Rhubarb {chicup}



2 years, 5 months ago


ML Link: https://chicup-corner.com/character/MYO-017   -   A very grumpy grandpa, he has a sweet side but no one can know. Also has a sweet spot for cows and his friends, but they can’t know either. He’s a coffee drinker bc he thinks it makes him look cool.

Hiya, (YN)! Where have you been, our coffee's getting cold. Do you want me to go heat your's up for you?
You meet up with Rhubarb for coffe. Weird, he's cherpier than normal. Better make this last as Rhubarb is normally grumpy. 
Huh? My cow? Oh uhh- she's just for comfort. Whenever I'm mad, she always calms me down.
You notice Rhubarb is holding a stuffed cow that looks kind of old, but loved. You can tell he looks after it though, how cute.
I like all sorts of games. Skyrim, Resident Evil, Stardew Valley- you like Stardew too? We should play sometime, we could start a co-op together."
 Interested, you ask what kind of games Rhubarb plays. They're all relitivley gruesome untill he mentiones Stardew Valley, your favourite game. He invites you immediately, you've never seen him this happy!
Alright, what are you getting at, (YN)? You think I'm gonna fall for that sap?
Feeling way too confident, you tell Rhubarb he looks cute today- maybe you shouldn't have done that...


Write about your character here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel vestibulum mi. Cras ac fringilla libero. Aliquam congue in odio et finibus. Nam imperdiet tincidunt ligula nec facilisis. In quis malesuada felis. Suspendisse vitae lorem nec turpis rhoncus ultrices sed a felis. Sed blandit libero tempor mi dignissim porta id quis mauris.


  • Coffee
  • Gruesome Video Games
  • His stuffed cow
  • Salt and Vinegar Crisps
  • Drawing on His Tablet


  • Compliments
  • Showing Affection
  • The Sun
  • People who are Mean to His Friends


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ultrices odio ac enim consectetur, in sodales metus ultricies. Donec quis mollis sem. Cras porttitor pretium auctor. Vestibulum placerat dui id suscipit elementum. Sed mi turpis, vestibulum vitae ante id, ullamcorper consectetur enim. Donec cursus felis vitae elit bibendum egestas. Curabitur vitae risus nibh. Curabitur a massa tincidunt, fermentum ligula vitae, venenatis ex.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ultrices odio ac enim consectetur, in sodales metus ultricies. Donec quis mollis sem. Cras porttitor pretium auctor. Vestibulum placerat dui id suscipit elementum. Sed mi turpis, vestibulum vitae ante id, ullamcorper consectetur enim. Donec cursus felis vitae elit bibendum egestas. Curabitur vitae risus nibh. Curabitur a massa tincidunt, fermentum ligula vitae, venenatis ex.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ultrices odio ac enim consectetur, in sodales metus ultricies. Donec quis mollis sem. Cras porttitor pretium auctor. Vestibulum placerat dui id suscipit elementum. Sed mi turpis, vestibulum vitae ante id, ullamcorper consectetur enim. Donec cursus felis vitae elit bibendum egestas. Curabitur vitae risus nibh. Curabitur a massa tincidunt, fermentum ligula vitae, venenatis ex.

Called  Rhubarb 
Gender  Male, He/Him 
Age  20 
Species  Chicup 
Height  He's tall 
Birthday  Dec 3 
Occupation  Freelance Artist 


  • Keeps boxes of cereal under his bed for little late night snaks.
  • Drinks a lot of coffee. He started because he thought it made him look cool, and now he can't stop.
  • ...
  • ...

Design Notes

  • Please keep his skin the same tone. You can change the accents, just please do not make it lighter. Thank you.
  • He has stalks of rhubarb under his ears, these are mandatory because of the CS he belongs to.
  • I preffer if you could draw him with both ears down unless asked specifically qwq


Patient Impatient

Complex Pure

Dedicated Casual

Dependent Independent

agitated Relaxed


Argumentative Agreeing

Logical Emotional

Subtle Open

Elaborate Plain

Verbal Nonverbal


IMG_URL Coffee Shop

As we know, Rhubarb LOVES coffee, so taking him to a cafe or coffee shop is definetly one of the fastes ways to his heart. It'll be tough though, Rhubarb doesn't open up to just anyone.

Pro gamer tip, he loves mochas and whipped cream 


Cow, as he calls it, is Rhubarbs most beloved item. If he were to ever lose this, he'd be distraught. 
