Angelina Sharpe



2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info






Lesbian (Closeted Bisexual)






Car Mechanic



Angelina was born to two loving parents in her mother Cassandra and her father Frederick. The Sharpe household was a comfortable one, she wasn't left wanting for much. The fondest memories of her childhood formed in her early years, with her parents at her side and the world seeming bright. Her grandfather's death was the first crack in the Sharpe family portrait. Angelina was young at the time, too young to know her grandfather well or to understand all of what his passing meant. What she mainly understood was that she couldn't see him anymore and that her father was going to get more busy.

The world began to dim from there on. With her father so occupied with his work, she began to feel distant from him. The same was true for her mother, which saddened her to see. She thought the world of her mother, wanting to be just like her. She copied her style, her mannerisms, everything about her that she could duplicate. When Cassandra began to smile less and cry more, so too did Angelina. They took solace in the fact that they had each other, at least. However, Frederick's absence was demonstrably felt.

Difficult as it was, it came to pass. Her father made changes to his work and allowed himself more time with his wife and daughter. It looked as if things were getting brighter; and they were... for a spell. Then the portrait cracked a second time. On a day as normal as any other, Angelina was on the way back home with Cassandra. Tragedy struck as another driver crashed into their vehicle and sent the car spinning. She was knocked unconscious from the impact. By the time she woke up, she was already being transferred to an ambulance to treat her injuries. Before she was taken in, however, she saw the still body of her mother, failing to be resuscitated by the emergency responders. That memory lives with her to this very day, a haunting image that marked the end of all good things in her family home.

Her father was wracked with grief. An unending grief that no amount of tears could mollify. While she shared in his sadness, it was far greater for him than for her. Angelina could tell that much, despite how deeply she loved and missed her mother. Frederick spiraled into depression and became fearful of the world for what it might do to his daughter. She tried to be understanding but it grew suffocating how he coddled her. He pulled her out of school, wouldn't let her go out with her friends, limited what she could do at home to what he deemed 'safe', and more. There were so many times he told her how much she resembled her mother, that what was meant to be a compliment felt like a dagger digging into a wound not yet healed, but cut twice over. She grew to resent her father and eventually decided she had to get away from him.

When she turned 16, Angelina came up with a plan for herself in secret. Utilizing the bare amount of freedom she was allowed, she got in touch with a lawyer and presented a case for her emancipation. It took a significant amount of further effort to finalize such a large step, but she waited and worked until everything was in place. Unsurprisingly, her father refused to willfully sign the papers to free her from his care. He had to be brought to court to be legally ordered to sign them. She got the first taste of life without him in the days leading up to the trial. It was then that she knew she made the right decision.

Once she was successful in emancipating herself, she cut Frederick off entirely. She took every possible measure she could to make it so that he could not get in touch with her and she hasn't looked back since. Angelina began working part-time jobs, studied for and got her GED, and later went into vocational school. She found herself gravitating to automotive work. It was odd at first when she realized that's where her interest was, given her previous accident, but it just... made sense to her. She went on to become a certified mechanic and has been working as one for a few years now. Compared to others, Angelina considers herself an 'honest' mechanic, not one to overcharge or deceive customers... unless they piss her off. Her day to day consists of work, the gym, and the occasional outing. Weekends are largely her time to relax.


Angelina is a bit of a loudmouth. She's blunt, has no problem speaking her mind, and she's not afraid to pick a fight. All of that creates a rowdy, intimidating persona. She would say that she doesn't have a short fuse, but that's only because she can exercise some restraint rather than blowing up. In truth, she gets upset or pissed off rather easily. However, she's not angry all the time. People that she's close to face a more lenient Angelina; though, people that she hates get the exact opposite. Having her in your corner is invaluable, as she is a ride-or-die friend.

She does carry a host of unresolved issues that have had no attempts to be dealt with. The trauma of losing her mother at a young age was swept under the rug in order to deal with her father, so it remains a root problem. Occasionally, it manifests itself in nightmares or sudden bouts of panic. There is also the strained and nearly emptied relationship with her father. She can't deny that she worries he'll show up when she least expects it, even though he hasn't tried to get in touch with her after she cut him off. There are times she's mistaken a stranger for Frederick and froze up. Unfortunately, she's reluctant to speak to anyone, let alone a professional, about her family. She simply tries to stay occupied and keep those unwelcome thoughts at bay.

Staying home is Angelina's most hated activity. She dealt with enough of that in the past. The majority of time is spent out, either working, working out, going out with friends, running errands, or going for joyrides in her car. The only time she likes to be home is if she's entertaining a guest(s), smoking, or sleeping. Getting a dog was something she humored for a while but she's not yet convinced it's a good idea.


Angelina has porcelain skin dotted with orange freckles over her face, arms, chest, and legs. She stands at an average height of 5'7" but boasts a lean build. Despite styling her hair blue and curly, she's a natural, straight-haired redhead; something that's still noticeable in her eyebrows. She dyes her hair often enough to prevent the roots from showing much and manages its curliness similarly. Her resemblance to her mother is something she's aware of and thus she makes a concerted effort to shake that resemblance (arguably to an extreme degree). It's often kept in a short, messy tousle, with a partial puff that drapes one side of her face and a shorter one that falls down the other. Her eyes bear a dull green color and they are often narrowed in her usual expression. Onlookers often assume she's in a foul mood (most of the time, they're right). Angelina has multiple piercings. A pair of horizontal eyebrow piercings sit above both of her eyebrows and her ears are pierced along the lobe, upper ridge, and interior. She's often spotted wearing aviator sunglasses when she's out and about in the daytime.

Her wardrobe is decidedly masculine - sleeveless shirts, jackets, hoodies, jeans, sneakers, etc. She has next to no formal wear outside of a few choice suits, preferring to stick to a casual, occasionally sports-y style. Feminine clothes like skirts, dresses, heels, none of it is for her. More often than not, Angelina has her arms out. Whether it's at work, the gym, or when she's inside and can take off her outer layers, there's a 99% chance she's rocking a tank top. She laments the cold for forcing her to cover up.


  • She's been attracted to boys since she realized what attraction was but she's trying to suppress that fact even though it remains true
  • Her music taste is anything that's loud and noisy, which often features rock and metal bands
  • She likes to swim but hates doing so in public
  • She loves visiting the aquarium, especially for dates
  • Recreational weed smoker, it puts her at ease