


6 years, 6 months ago



Name: Valerie
Species: Valais Blacknose Sheep
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Relationship StatusSingle
Occupation: Cheese maker, Milk handler
Powers: Is super fluffy and snuggable
Likes:      -Heavy training
               -Cozy fireplaces
Dislikes:  -The cold
               -Getting snow stuck in her wool


Valerie is a down to earth, shy and friendly sheep, who enjoys being a hard working girl on the farm. Despite her being bigger than your average person, she usually doesn't trust her might and would never use it against anyone, friend or foe.
Though she needed some time at first, she began to warm up to the people on the farm, especially Heartbreak and Kiwi, who she will even spend time with outside of work, if given the chance.

Sometimes she also gets the urge to be among others, to go along with a herd. Since she's so shy however, she usually just hides with the other, normal sheep on the farm.
Valerie was born in Maidensbeach and raised by a sheep dad and wolf mother, her mother always cautioning her to be careful and not trust anyone, while her father always told her that groups are the safest place to be, so that Valerie grew up with very conflicting worldviews.
She was never sure whom to trust, whilst tagging along with groups of people she thought might be correct.

This led to her becoming cautious and shy and more often hiding in pillow forts in an attempt to get the heavily needed feeling of company. Her parents really loved her and meant well, but this truely made her life hard.

As a young adult, she started selling her own wool to make enough money to start a small cheese shop, that didn't get as well as she hoped it too. After this downfall, she lived with her parents for a while, as they tried to support her and get her on her feet again.
That is when she met Xander, one of her dearest friends. Xander showed up at the door one day, looking for shelter and food. Kind enough to give that to him, Xander in turn did his best to help her as well and encouraged her to talk to the local farm for a job.

From that day on, Valerie became known for processing cheese and various other milk products from Buttercups milk, most of all "Dragon Cheese". Xander and her now live happily in a small house on the farm property.



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Name: Xander                            Relation: Best Friend
Xander is the light of her life and best friend in the world. They help each other out to become the very best they can be!

Name: Kiwi                           Relation: Friend
Kiwi is a bit too hyperactive for Valerie, even though she tries to keep calm around the sheep. She still thinks Kiwi is a wonderful friend and wants to spend time with her. She just doesn't want to stick around too long, due to being overwhelmed by the Aquacat.

Name: Heartbreak                            Relation: Friend
Heartbreak is someone that Valerie considers as a friend. She loves his calm nature, but he usually doesn't have much time to spend with her, which makes her a bit disappointed sometimes, since she would love to get to know him better.

Name: Buttercup                            Relation: Friend and co-worker
Buttercup is a cowdragon that Valerie loves snuggling with. She also helps with milking and processing said milk that Buttercup makes. The two get along splendidly and enjoy time together. Sometimes Buttercup will also herd her along as one of her sheep.


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