♡ Kenny, "Vulture" ♡



Kenny Luskey

Kenny was born in a rundown part of a rural town, surrounded by endless fields of wheat and aged barns. His family was impoverished, with debts climbing higher than the corn stalks. As a child, the vast open fields and barns were his playground and his school of hard knocks. When his parents couldn't make ends meet, young Kenny turned to the art of conning.

Kenny could scam anyone, from the naive farm boy to the shrewdest town merchant, with nothing more than a smile and a tale spun of half-truths and charms.
One evening, Kenny tried to con a group of roughnecks in a bar, promising a map to a hidden treasure in exchange for cash. But they saw through his lies. In a fit of rage, they pursued him out to a nearby pond. There, they incapacitated him by cutting off his left arm, and while he writhed in pain, tied a bag of stones around his waist and threw him into the depths. Knowing he would be unable to free himself through the pain and confusion of losing a limb.
However, something about Kenny refused to die. Perhaps it was his indomitable spirit or the cursed rabbit foot he always carried, but he returned as a half-dead entity, particularly, a revenant.

Kenny's drowning experience only made him more cunning and ruthless. He's smart, observant, and always looking for an angle to exploit. The water has made him colder, and he's more detached from human emotions.

While he still maintains his country charm, a blade of wheat perpetually in his mouth, Kenny's undead form is a sight to behold. His fur skin cap hides patches of decomposed scalp. His battle axe is stained with the blood of those who tried to cross him or expose his cons.
Inventory Insights
  1. Battle axe: The battle axe he carries is from the rural area he grew up in, once used for chopping wood, he now uses it to defend his scams, collect bones, and sometimes, out of sheer malice, destroy the scarecrows that dot the wheat fields in a blind rage.

  2. Two pearls: Keepsakes from the day he drowned. He considers them his "lucky pearls," believing they bring fortune.

  3. Pumpkin pie: A favorite treat from his human days, he still relishes it. It reminds him of the annual town fair and the happier times.

  4. Lucky rabbit's foot: He carries around his lucky rabbit foot everywhere he goes, it was his pet as a child that he lovingly named "Blitz" He believes this is the source of his resurrection as a ghost, however, this belief is false. 

  5. Purse with maps: Filled with fake treasure maps and routes to non-existent magical places, tools of his scam trade. He draws them himself and they are filled with immaculate detail.

  6. CD: A single red CD that's filled with his favorite country music, he often plays this while sitting on the beam of an old barn, nostalgically reminiscing about his childhood. 

Kenny would often explore run-down barns as a child, these adventures were often accompanied by Davey, his homeless father figure who was there for him when his biological parents were not.

Kenny would often bring home mummified cats and mice he found in these old barns, which his biological parents would make him throw out.

These adventures with Davey would shape Kenny into the man he is today, learning how to con and steal from the man. 

Kenny Luskey wasn't always known by that name. He adopted the surname 'Luskey' from Davey, a subtle act of defiance against his biological father. As for 'Kenny', he prefers it to his birth name, which he seldom shares. When pressed, he might deflect with a casual lie, "Call it John, if you must."


Kenny is very into vulture culture and collecting valuable items he stole, his collections share a stark contrast. On one hand, you have very valuable items, gems, jewelry, weapons, and priceless items that he swindled from others. But on the other hand, you'll see a more nostalgic side of Kenny, worthless bones from animals neatly articulated by him in a loving gesture. He gives each articulation a name and a collar, and each animal is propped on a pillow, showing a more sensitive side to the old con artist.

Kenny hides all of his things in what he calls the "Sunken barn" 

Kenny is not a sweetheart, as stated above, after the traumatic drowning incident, Kenny became cold.

He was once a charming and carefree con artist, but that genuine smile has been wiped off his face, only now replaced by a glassy stare and a fake smirk.

Kenny's targets used to be those he deemed higher-ups or wealthy, but his targets have now extended to anything with a pulse.


The scar that runs down his forehead to his groin area was due to the fact Kenny tried and failed to Taxidermy his own body after death. It did not work due to the fact he could not get the correct chemicals to do the job, (he attempted to use salt) But the attempt failed causing him to rot, and the stitching split open during the bloating stage of death, and once the bloating went down, he didn't bother to fix the busted seams.

 Being undead has its disadvantages, though. Kenny often feels parts of his body "going off" — like how one would describe limbs falling asleep — hence, the name "Vulture". He scavenges for body parts to replace his decaying ones. It's a gruesome practice, but for Kenny, it's survival. However, he can't seem to successfully replace his missing arm, and any attempts to do so will never result in a functioning arm.

His missing arm is sometimes replaced by a makeshift prosthetic made of bones and driftwood. 
Sunken Barn
Hidden amidst a vast field of overgrown wheat, lies an old, seemingly decrepit barn, known to locals as the "Sunken Barn." Its name derives from the fact that half of the structure has sunk into the marshy ground over time, giving it an eerie, lopsided appearance.
The Facade
From the outside, the Sunken Barn appears to be on the brink of collapse, with its rotting wood and rusted metal roof. Vines and moss have claimed large parts of its exterior, and the area around it is boggy, making it treacherous to approach. The barn's appearance and the ghost stories that locals tell about it serve as a deterrent, ensuring that most stay away out of fear or superstition.
The Hidden Depths
What many don't know is that the Sunken Barn's sinking is a deliberate ruse by Kenny. The half that has "sunk" into the ground is not a casualty of nature but rather an ingeniously designed underground chamber. Here, Kenny stores his stolen goods, animal bones, and other treasures. The chamber is cool and dry for the longevity of his possessions.
Traps and Safeguards
Kenny has set up an array of traps to deter any intruders or overly curious people. Hidden pitfalls filled with spikes, tripwires that release blinding powders, and even some areas of quicksand keep his stash safe. Additionally, the few entrances to the underground chamber are concealed, known only to Kenny. He often accesses it via a secret hatch beneath a pile of hay.
Vulture's Perch
At the top of the still-standing section of the barn is a loft, which Kenny refers to as the "Vulture's Perch." From here, he has an unobstructed view of the surrounding fields, allowing him to see anyone approaching from miles away. The loft also contains a simple cot where he sometimes rests and a workbench where he occasionally indulges in his taxidermy hobby.
"I love you" Maps
The only way to get around the traps and into the treasure is to get ahold of one of Kenny's "I love you" maps. These maps, drawn by Kenny himself, showcase the entire structure of the sunken barn, every trap, every pitfall. These maps would only be given to someone Kenny likes, because he doesn't want them to get hurt if they ever were to venture into what he calls his home, however, he's never given out one of these maps, because he's never liked anyone.
Kenny's Con's
There's a saying in the rural town where Kenny hails from: "If you've met Kenny Luskey and still have your coins, then you've yet to truly meet Kenny Luskey."
Setting the Stage
Kenny knows the landscape of his territory like the back of his hand. He always chooses the perfect backdrop for his cons – sometimes a rundown bar with dim lights, other times an old barn where the creaking wood and rustling leaves add to the atmosphere. The setting isn't just a place; it's part of the performance.
The Charm Offensive
Kenny's charm is his most potent weapon. The blade of wheat he perpetually chews is not just an affectation; it makes him seem grounded, rustic, and trustworthy. His eyes, a deep shade of green-ish blue, reminiscent of the fields, seem to hold stories of old. When he speaks, there's a lilt in his voice, a hypnotic cadence that demands attention and draws you in. It's like hearing a ballad of old; comforting, but with an underlying note of melancholy.
The Relatable Anecdote
Every scam begins with a story. Kenny, with his remarkable memory, always has an anecdote ready, tailored to his audience. If it's a farmer, he'd talk about the old days when the rains were kinder. If it's a young couple, he'd share a tale of lost love. People see a bit of themselves in his stories, making them let their guard down.
Reading the Room
But Kenny's real talent lies in his uncanny ability to read people. He picks up on the tiniest details: a nervous twitch, a fleeting glance, or a hesitant tone. He knows when to press on, when to pull back, and most importantly, when to strike. This makes every con feel personal, almost intimate, which is why they're so effective.
The Proposition
When Kenny senses his mark is hooked, he offers a solution – a map leading to a treasure, a charm that promises good fortune, or simply a piece of advice. But there's always a catch, a price to pay. And by the time his mark realizes they've been duped, Kenny is long gone, leaving behind just a whisper of his legend.
The Getaway
Kenny's exit is just as planned as his approach. He's always one step ahead, his next location and con already mapped out in his mind. And if someone does manage to catch up to him, he employs his wit and charm, turning foes into allies or simply leading them on another wild goose chase.
