Oomatea Abarel



6 years, 7 months ago


Oomatea "Ooma" Abarel
GENDER:    Cis Female
SPECIES:    Togruta
LEVEL:    37          
AGE:    37
OCCUPATION:    Commando
AFFILIATION:   Havoc Squad
LIKES:    Pink, soft jackets, nature,  Peaceful resolutions
DISLIKES:    Liars, senseless violence, Imperial scientists, cold weather

"There are still lots of good people in the galaxy."


Aliases/Titles:   Lieutenant, Havoc's Head Honcho, Leader of the Virescent Prophet.

Family Connections:   She considers Uxon Mol to be her ward, and (jokingly) refers to him as her "son with a gun."

Romantic Connections:  

  • -- Oomatea doesn't really think she's "desirable" anymore due to her age and appearance, but Aric Jorgan seems to think otherwise.
  • -- She never flirts seriously, but didn't mind fishing for complements from Jonas Balkar, the SIS agent guy she befriended on Nar Shaddaa.  

Height:   5'4''

Appearance:    Fairly short, chubby but toned (in a way). Soft red-orange skin with  two large white markings around her blue eyes. Her montrals seem too  long for her body, and she radiates a sof,  maternal vibe.

Sexual Orientation:   Asexual Panromantic

Identifying Characteristics:   She's pretty chubby, despite the ridiculous amount of exercise she  does. Ooma also has really, really blue eyes and is always found wearing  comfy jackets and at least 2 pastel pink accessories at all times.

Hobbies:  Taking really nice naps, collecting pink accessories.

Flaws:  Flaws? What flaws?

Primary Weapon:   GT-27 Plasma Core Assault Cannon with a white-blue-purple Hawkeye Crystal core.

Secondary Weapon:   Generator

Special Abilities:    Not really an "ability" but Ooma can essentially "mom" her way into  anyone's life--regardless of how guarded they may be. So she's made a  lot of friends and has connections in all sorts of places....and they  all call her "mom".

Background (Summary):   Oomatea and her family were victims of Empire-sanctioned "tests"  (neurotoxins, chemical weapons, actual weapons, etc) on a more  urban/populated area of Shili. She was the only one out of her husband  and three children to make it out alive, and narrowly managed to escape  after being rescued by Republic troops that were given word of the  atrocities being committed there.

Oomatea enlisted in the Republic's ranks to do her part in  preventing the spread of Imperial cruelty, and maybe save someone else's  family from sharing the same fate as hers.

Personality:  Despite being older  than the average soldier, Ooma rose through the ranks quickly and earned  a reputation as a responsible, caring person and became a motherly  figure to her fellow troops. Ooma is very firm, though, and has high  expectations for Republic personel. She won't tolerate disrespect. Ever.  Oomatea has a very firm belief in "innocent until proven guilty", and  refuses to cause civilian casualties in the name of the Republic. She  considers politics to be irrelivant to her cause, and will go against  orders if she believes she's doing the right thing. Also, don't ever ask  her about her past. Just don't.

Notes:   Ooma's in the process of romancing Aric Jorgan, completely on accident.  She definitely likes him, but knows to keep it professional. Everything  she does to "flirt" is just Ooma being friendly ol' Ooma. It's not  intentional.