
6 years, 6 months ago


name: kat

personality: she is a very extroverted cat, fighting cogs, working on her gags and just trying to make the best out of each day.

- extroverted.

- carefree.

- open to trying new things.


extras; (?) 

- knows she is apart of a video game.

- can "get out" of her universe, and she often does. it still worries her as she gets 'homesick.' 

- loves to hang out with her "non-toon" friends.

- the oddball of the friend group. 


things she says often when she talks to any of her other friends in the 'outside world.' 

- "wait, you don't have gags?" 

- "where do you fight cogs? where did they go?"

- "what do you mean you don't have to constantly live in fear of robots taking over your town?" 

- "you eat pies? you don't throw them?" 

- "you go to 'a store' to buy clothes. not order them off your catalog?" 

- "what if i get injured? who will toon-up me?" 
