Tengen based adopt's Comments

Yo!! Is this silly still available? :0

Omg he is so cool I would love to trade for him here's my th have a look in every folder except main and comfort and the characters with the letter X in the name 😊


Is this still open :0?

I know it isn’t much, but a half body and a headshot <:0

I'll accept :]

What can you draw and what can't you draw??? So I don't send you something hard ( ╹▽╹ )

Ahh thank you so much!! And I can pretty much draw anything hahah. Human(oids), anthros, ferals, anything hahah.

If you want any examples, they are all here!

Also in my art tab :)

Aight for the half body could you do https://toyhou.se/13687633.han-liangjun

And the headshot https://toyhou.se/12587283.darkey

I can change whichever one that seems too hard to draw

Sure! I can do that. They should both be done sometime around New Year :)

Alright thank you (≧▽≦)