


2 years, 6 months ago



Name Starcon
Nickname N/A
Species Starling
Gender Agender
Pronoun He/him
Orientation Pansexual

Age Ageless (3,000+)
Birthday  August 20
Zodiac Leo
Height  Fluctuates
Weight Fluctuates

Colour Palette

Reference Sheet



  • Watching TV
  • Conquering things!!
  • Himself
  • Music
  • Literally any form of praise or validation


  • Any mention of royalty
  • Cramped spaces
  • Himself
  • Being stuck/trapped
  • Being mocked/not taken seriously


Starcon is a bold little (or big, depending on the situation) alien who wants to be a conqueror. However, whenever he tries to fulfill is evil desires, he fails miserably. He is very prideful, often boasting about himself and how powerful he is. He also gets frustrated very easily when things don‘t go his way or he is not taken seriously. He is prone to tantrums. It’s a miracle that he hadn’t died at least 2,000 years ago because of his impulsiveness and hotheadedness.

Despite how one-note Starcon’s character seems to be, he does have layers of depth. Truly, becoming a great conqueror is not what he needs. A part of him wants to be good, and to simply be happy. He does not understand what he needs to be happy, however, so he clings to his past in desperate attempts to regain that feeling of control. Because of the constant mental stress, he can be pushed to panic attacks or breakdowns if he is upset enough. Even though Starcon has big plans for his future, truly, he finds interest in the simple things—even happiness. When arriving on Earth, small things like animals and flowers and music intrigued him. Slowly, he is beginning to realize what he truly needs to be at peace.

Starcon’s power seems simple at first glance, but can become something horrifying. His skin radiates a golden light, which he can control the brightness of. Sometimes, though, his emotions control this light. However, as his light becomes brighter, it becomes hotter. He uses this light to consume things, which causes him to grow in size, making him almost like a black hole. His simplest and smallest form is that of a small, yellow ball of light. As he consumes things, he begins to take the form of the intelligent species of the planet he is consuming things from. Slowly, more features will appear on his face and body. If he grows large enough, however, these features begin to grow distorted. Extra eyes and limbs will appear until he becomes something truly horrifying.


Early on in Starcon’s existence, he went by countless names. He had a generally positive outlook on life, and wanted to learn more about the galaxy. However, he was horribly mistreated. His skin generates a substance that acts as a sort of waste for the things he consumes. This substance is highly beneficial to the health of people, and is often used in medicine when found. Because of this, Starcon and other Starians were highly sought after. Starcon was abused, attacked, insulted, and more throughout his lifetime. Starcon fell into a depressive state for many, many years as he lost hope.

One day, he fell onto a particular planet called Axon. The king, a man named Arthur, welcomed him with open arms and even held a feast in his honor, as Starians were rare to come across these days. The king and Starcon—or Starlord, as he was dubbed back then—grew closer and stayed by each others’ sides for many years. They conquered planets together, fought in wars together, and Starlord even let Arthur use his power to his advantage. Though, as time went on, the manipulative nature of the king became clearer. Suspicions began to rise, and the king knew this. So, before Starlord could try anything, the king captured him and locked him away in a cell to rot. You may think he could just eat through the walls, but no—they were far too dense. Arthur had made sure of it. Starlord remained trapped for years, slowly becoming more and more miserable. The empire of Axon finally fell in a great war, and Starlord was able to escape and never look back.

Now, Starcon clings to his idea of being a great conqueror. He wants to go back to the way things were so badly, no matter what it takes.