Chima Lou




4984784_WnyKPKPiCEMwF4w.jpgChima Lou

Were-mages born anew



60-70 years

Average Height

2ft at shoulder

Average Weight

~100 lbs



Location Found

Alongside humans


Chima Lou exist alongside humans and their settlements


Chima Lou behave very similarly to humans. Though, they have their own societies. 

Group Organization

Chima Lou are social, and exist in groups. It's rare to find solitary individuals

Hunting & Diet

Chima Lou are omnivores who can eat anything humans do. They are capable of hunting...but who would hunt when you can get a twinky from the gas station. You know? 


Chima Lou reproduce in a magical manner rather than typical mammalian reproduction. Two parents bond their magic to form a soul crystal- that will become their childs soul and necklace. From there, their physical body will form from the crystals power. 

Life Cycle

Chima Lou start as crystals, form bodies after a week or two of care and contribution of magic from their parents, and age at a similar rate to humans. They do, notably, have slightly shorter lifespans. It's exceedingly rare to see a Chima Lou live past 80.


Chima Lou are pretty hearty creatures, so long as their soul gem is protected. The gem is susceptible to damage as reckless as its host is with it. 


They communicate in the common tongue. 


A Chima Lou is a similar in muzzle shape to a canine,
but more stocky like a big cat. Though they aren't related to any of these species. Their true roots link them more similarly to werewolves and were-creatures. In the past, they were powerful Sorcerers who's magic allowed them the ability to transform themselves into creatures, most commonly- A Chima Lou. These forms were magical hybrids that assisted mages in their work- Strong climbers and claws, tails for balance, and strong jaws. They created forms that were 'ideal' for their needs and defending themselves as vague mammals/predators that were capable of navigating dangerous ruins and areas that may not normally be accessible to them. 

In historical use, the Chima form was used to gather rare, difficult to obtain magical ingredients and fight off dangerous creatures.
However- some just enjoyed the form in contrast to a human one and maintained it for extended periods of time. Each Chima, upon transformation, would store its 'soul' in the necklace it wore upon its neck- a font of storing their human-form's magical power that they could draw from at will.

Upon the collapse- where magic largely left the world, a group of mages who had been in this form..lost almost all of their magical power, and were thus stranded. Condemning them to this new life in these new bodies. They retained their human intelligence, and as the world pressed on- so did they with a new future.  

Chima Lou are born with their soul gems, most often worn as necklaces around their neck with magical bonds. If their soul crystal is shattered- they too would perish. Naturally, as Chima Lou pass on, their crystals will fade and dim, and once they perish their bodies will turn to dust while the crystal remains and is often buried by its relatives. The magical binding of these necklaces are then reused for a new Chima Lou- a youngling may inheret their great-grandparents chain, as the old magics are much stronger and more resilient than magic use following the collapse. 

Chima Lou cannot return to a human form, they've lost the ability.


Chima lou are mammalian creatures born of a shapeshifting spell. In the past, they were humans (or humanoids) who used these forms to utilize as a tool, before many became trapped in them during the great war when they lost their ability to use magic. Now, existing as a new species. Chima Lou are magical beasts that have the intelligence and communicative/social skills of a human, often living among human societies. Though they tend to forge their own communities and work separately, they still harbor a close friendship with their human companions.