


2 years, 6 months ago


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Femme • Technically Ancient • Tramuatized

"Please, I have PTSD"

  • DESIGNER saadartist_bae
  • VERSE Unknown
  • WORTH $120
  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • Species Cybertronian
  • BLOOD TYPE Energon
  • OCCUPATION Medic, Therapist & Warrior
  • ARCHETYPE Unknown
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual
  • VOICE Unknown
  • THEME Unknown
  • Listening To Others
  • Sparklings
  • Helping Others
  • Giving Bots Hugs
  • Holding/cuddling Ring
  • Music
  • Humans
  • Whirl
  • Having PTSD
  • Overlord
  • Stress
  • Recharging
  • Being Disrespected

Cupid is very bulky/tanky. Literally the same body type as Fort Max. She is a basically a mix of a big truck and a predacon they look more cybertronian since she never had or ever will have a earth based vehicle mode. Next big thing is she has a cassette player in her chest, you can make it look similar to how Blasters looks. She will need speakers somewhere, either in the shoulder area or on the chest/waste area. Her main body would look like she would be able to turn into a bulky/tanky truck. She some small none symmetrical parts on her as well. She also has wings on her back that match the feathers that are on the sides of her head. And last big detail is that she has a tail made up of muiltiple wires/tentacles that she can move all individually. Normally they are braided/twisted to make one large tail. She rarely has them unbraided/twisted, only time she does is when she is fixing something or someone, carrying multiple things or people, or to intimate. Though she is huge so her build alone would intimate. For better viusal on her height, she is the same size as Fort Max (Big guy in the middle) in this lovely height refrence by koch43:

Quiet • Independent • Wise

Calm, Smart, Sweet, Caring, Sarcastic, Overthinker, Can Be Stricked, Motherly, Thoughtful, Respectful, Very patient, Rarely losses her temper, Humble


(Short Summery) Before the war she was a medical officer and therapist. (For some reason I imagine her main color being a dark teal color, I have no clue why but I'll just go with it.) She was pretty small (She was around Rungs size) her altmode was unknown as she never used it. She just never found a use for it. When the war started she was captured by someone who shall not be named. We don't dare say his name (Totally not because I have no clue what his name should be rn or anything). He basically tortured her during the entire war, removing and adding parts to her. He had a thing for experimentation, especially live experimentation. (He was basically like Shockwave if Shockwave was insane and illogical.) He didn't target her for an specific reason, she was just there, the wrong place at the wrong time. Though the worst part of this seemingly endless torture that he put her through was that she was awake during it all. She actually died a few times during said experiments but he ended up bringing her back to life, much to her horror. After while he got her to function in a somewhat normal way in her "new body" saying that it was a "new step in Cybertronian history". She was now much bigger then her former self, more bulky in a way as well. (Though the bot that was doing said experiments on her was much larger then her still.) When she first saw herself, the first thing she noticed was that she literally had wings. Not like seeker wings but like metal feathers, similar to the organic animal know as a bird on Earth. Second thing was that she had a tail, well sort of. The 'tail' was made up of multiple wires(like what Soundwave has in TFP) and she could control them all indefinitely. This tail of hers was pretty long and could stretch some as well. Last thing she heavily noticed was her chest. She had something that looked similar to a sound system in her chest, like Soundwaves but looked different. And you know her eyes being two completely different colors. Of course she wasn't at all pleased with her new look. But The crazy bot seemed super pleased, he was beyond happy about his experiment working. Really nothing was her original form other then her left eye, everything else was completely removed and changed to be what she is now. Of course he was dumb and decided to make her pretty strong, let's just say he didn't survive long after she grew some strength back. After she left his lab she learned that the war was now over, which made her realize how long she was trapped for. And that pretty much sums up her backstory. It took her a long while to show herself to other Cybertronians as she felt she was literally a walking disaster. But most weren't really bothered by her appearance though some where quite intimidated by it.She basically looks like a predacon mixed with a grounder of some sort. (For size comparison now, she is almost the same size as Ultra Magnus, just slightly shorter.) She was a mess of colors when she woke up and later she made it so at least she had a nice color scheme so it wasnt extremely obvious that she was, as she would put it, "a walking freak show". (But of course shes actually beautiful but she all she sees is a mess which i don't blame her for having that mind set) She also isn't able to transform whats so ever, nore does she want to know what horrors she would transform into if she was able to. She is able to fly with her wings, though took a long while to master. As for her personality she has completely changed. She used to be stricted and bossy. Like Ultra Magnus but worse (Someone worse then Mags? yeah surprising i know) but now she is more fun and lively with the side of depression and ptsd. She absolutely loves music and she often sings to people or herself. It very therapeutic for her. She still is a skilled medic and therapist though, even after her experiences. She really likes being with Ring as he is also a therapist and he helps her get through her ptsd.


She is currently on the lost light, helping bots when she can and prtecting as many bots as possible. Mostly just hanging out with her husband Ring. She loves everyone on the ship other then Whirl, but has a short of soft spot for him every once and a while when hes not a complete ass.

  • Medic
  • Mechanic
  • Designing
  • Teatcher
  • Training
  • Making Jokes To Lighten The Mood
  • Talks With Her Hands Alot
  • Makes squeaking sounds when overly happy or flustered.
  • Wings Twitch When Angery
  • Motivated
  • Supportive
  • Stubborness
  • Smarts
  • Too Nice
  • Push Over
  • Clingy
  • Overthinker
  • Trust Issues
  • Healing
  • Fighting
  • Lisening
  • Being able to tell when someone is lying
  • Keeping Information
  • Failing
  • Losing Bots She Cares For
  • Dying Alone
  • Falling Asleep
  • Her Past
  • Likes The Song "Never Gonna Give You Up"
  • Has A Crush On Someone
  • Has Suicided 7 Times
  • Hating Whirl
  • FOOD Energon
  • COLOUR Orange
  • NUMBER ??
  • TIME OF DAY Night










  • "Primus sake-"
  • "Damn"
  • "*Squeak Sounds*"
  • "What"
  • "Glitch"
  • "I'd appreciate it if you stoped."
