Timmothy Landrum



6 years, 7 months ago


name; Timmothy Landrum
bday; October 8
age; 26
height; 6'3"
visual notes; Very little facial expressions. 


  • No ability, not affiliated with the Gods & Goddesses.
  • A part of the team trying to take them down, thinking it's a cult.


Timmothy is incredibly loyal, being the personal butler to the man whose heading the operation to take out this "cult." He may be his personal butler, but the two have known each other since childhood. Despite this closeness, Timmothy rarely ever breaks his composure, always quite stoic and seen with a straight face. He tends to make jokes that make little sense, absolute nonsense, or just unfunny to others. His speech is very clear, though very slow. Every action, every word, every thought, is picked carefully so not to put a bad light on his group or friend.

hobbies, noteworthy quirks, insp for poses; 

  • Takes utmost pride in being a butler and will often go out of his way to make tea or other treats without being asked.
  • Keeps a vigilant eye out to ensure his group's safety.

notable relationships;

  • Aaron, friend & master: The two go way back to childhood. Aaron, being from a very rich family, decided to hire Timmothy who willingly said yes. Now Timmothy serves for Aaron, though finds very little changed in their relationship. He feels he owes a lot to Aaron and takes his job quite seriously.