Lorren Lochees {FFXIV Main}



2 years, 6 months ago


Lorren Lochees- Warrior of Light... retired. Trans, gay, and with a complete lack of common sense, but a head for science.

Lorren is a native of the First, born and raised in the wilds of Rak'tika Greatwood. His family is unknown to him- he knows only that his mother was Viera, and his fauther Auri. Despite his obvious Viera features & longevity, he sports black scales along his midriff, neck, and arms, and has a dragon-like tail with full motor function & ability to grasp objects. His chest and stomach are scarred from various wounds, some surgical in nature (such as top surgery) and some from battle. Most are self-inflicted and accidental.

Lorren was just 20 summers old when he first set out from the Greatwood to find a purpose. While most male Viera of the First remain within the Greatwood to guard its borders, Lorren felt out of place there given his questionable lineage and general lack of sense of self. He set out originally to join the Crystarium's forces guarding against the sin eaters, but it was another 20 years before he even got to the Crystarium..

Directionally challenged and with no brain for social situations  (and a complete lack of communication skills developed in his youth) Lorren found himself lost in the region of Il Mheg for nearly two decades. At first, he was held hostage by the fae there - particularly the mischievous pixies, who were fascinated by his strange anatomy and complete naivete. While in their "care", he picked up a strange sense of humor, a love for laughter and play, and a fascination with the aetherial nature of the fae. The ability to change their form - and the forms of others - using aether bred an intense desire in Lorren to wrap his mind around the art of aetherial manipulation. It was during this time that Lorren unlearned most of his strictly gendered upbringing. Most Viera are sorted into duty at birth based on their sex, a notion that never settled well with him. Despite living his early life among the other female Viera, a strange discomfort he couldn't identify haunted him, and his time with the whimiscal, androgynous fae gave him answers: gender is far more fluid than the Viera of his home would have him believe. 

Once Lorren did finally leave Il Mheg, as a friend of the pixies rather than a captive, he had a new goal: to learn everything that could be learned about aether and its properties. His studies in the Crystarium allowed Lorren to develop a new technique altering the abilities of the Sage and the nouliths they work with. Normally used for combat and healing, Lorren learned to alter the noulith's properties to instead perform medical procedures with laser precision. This combined with his unrivaled knowledge of aether and unique perspective from his time with the fae resulted in a new breed of science for the First: gender health. 

Using his nouliths, Lorren built a rapport as a distinguished healer and scientist in the Crystarium. His services to transgender youth and adults alike were always pro bono, and anything that required more than his nouliths could offer on their own was priced fairly. It's this practice that eventually caught the eye of the Crystal Exarch, and led to his first introduction to the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. 

It's through the Scions and their adventures that Lorren met the love of his life, Tiberi'a Mhercia, a miqo'te of mixed Ishgardian blood. Together, these two would handle all that the Calamities could throw at them, until Lorren's eventual retirement.


Now, Lorren takes his practice abroad. While still willing to assist with adventuring needs and odd jobs, for the most part he's opted to bury his title as Warrior of Light and instead become an anonymous medical practitioner. Shunning the exorbitant costs of fantasia, Lorren seeks to replace their use completely with advanced, ethical, and pain-free aether treatments for dysphoria and other gender-related procedures.

Despite all this, he's still a bit of a dunce when it comes to social relationships and conventions, and others may find him off-putting at times. A tendency to flip-flop between silly, abrupt, and completely non-verbal depending on the company has made his reputation hard to pin down. However, those close to him know his love for mischief, and find his social quirks endearing. And in return, Lorren would drop anything for them with no hesitation.