

Writer in the Dark

01 — Profile

Name Joanie
Nicknames Joan, Baby, Blondie
Age 19
Gender Female ( she/her )
Height 5'1
Birthdate May 20
Species Basset Hound
Oriet. Lesbian
Occupation English lit/journalism major

Status NFS/NFT
Designer @ lovesickpuppy
Worth N/A
  • Has a Basset body

  • Must be drawn with a little tummy

  • Hair is not optional

  • Look at outfit inspo or ask for ideas

  • Only drawn anthro

  • Has optional glasses & hairstyles

  • Gift art is okay

02 — Personality

Joanie is currently a freshman in her first year of college. She is double majoring in English literature & journalism. She can almost always be found writing or spending time with her girlfriend, Ruth. She also enjoys hanging out with her friends.

Although she comes off a little shy at first, Joanie loves to meet new people. She isn’t one to strike up a conversation, but once she is approached, she will become quite chatty. She enjoys making new friends & getting to know those around her. Most describe her as amiable & approachable. She is very laid back & very much enjoys relaxing in her free time.

Joanie tries her best to be kind to everyone, as she believes it is important to treat others how she’d like to be treated. Of course, this doesn’t go without saying that some people see a not so nice side of her. She can be petty or passive aggressive when she chooses to be.


  • Ruth & her friends

  • Writing

  • Vlogging

  • Comfort foods


  • Science

  • Rude/disrespectful people

  • Waking up early

  • Hot weather

03 — Background

Joanie comes from a large family. She has four siblings, three of which are younger. From oldest to youngest, they go: Josephine, Joanie, Jolene, Josiah, & Jovani. The five of them are all very close & have a very strong relationship.

Joanie & her siblings grew up in a broken home. Their parents have a deeply strained marriage, but refuse to get divorced. Essentially, they are staying together for the kids, who secretly wish for them to just separate already. In order to support their large family, both Joanie’s mother & father work long hours. This often meant the kids would have to fend for themselves or each other.

Josephine, being the oldest, was often left to care for her siblings from a young age. She did her best to keep her younger siblings happy & content, even in a rough environment with their parents. However, once she left for college, the responsibility fell on Joanie. Josephine was desperate to start a life for herself, one that she could flourish in. She still visits when she can, but she moved far away in order to pursue a career. Joanie did her best to fill Josephine’s shoes & still cares deeply for her younger siblings.

Now that she is in college herself, Joanie feels guilty for leaving her siblings. She knows Jolene will keep their brothers safe & taken care of, but she can’t help the guilt that lingers over her. Whenever she gets the chance, Joanie always comes to Josephine’s house to visit her siblings on break. Josephine travels to pick the younger siblings up when she knows Joanie is coming home.

Besides her siblings, Ruth is another important person in Joanie’s life. She is her beloved girlfriend, & Joanie absolutely adores her. She prefers to spend every waking moment with her & has even introduced her to all of her siblings, who love her dearly. Joanie hopes to one day become a writer & spend the rest of her life with Ruth & the family they make together.

04 — Trivia

  • Joanie is a vlogger & has had a channel since she was 17! She has a decent following.

  • She is from Louisiana & has a bit of a Southern accent.

  • She currently writes for school organized magazines & papers.

  • Joanie loves old objects such as typewriters & record players; she has some of her own.

05 — Relationships


I love Ruth with my entire heart. I am so grateful to have someone who loves me for who I am, no matter what. I confide in her more than anyone & I know that I can tell her anything. She is an amazing listener, which I really appreciate. My love for my sweet Ruth runs so deeply; at this point, it’s endless. I want more than anything to have a life & future with her.

Plus, I love the relationship that Ruth has built with my siblings. She is great with all of them, especially my little brothers. My siblings are all very close to her & get so excited when I bring her to visit. It makes my heart so happy.

Best friend

Chanel is one of my very best friends. I feel that we relate to each other more than anyone else in our friend group. She is always so understanding & willing to lend an ear. Plus, she always manages to get me out & about, even when I’m not feeling up to it. I’m super glad that we are friends.