


2 years, 6 months ago


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Name: Conestar

Future Names: N/A

Age: 38 Moons

Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male(he/him)

Clan: Lakeclan

Rank: Leader

Orientation: Homosexual

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Family Info

 Parents: Slipperystone(father), Dewblossom(mother)

 Siblings: Beadclaw(brother), Sulphurpaw(brother)

 Mate: N/A

 Kits: N/A

 Other: Lakestar(mentor), Coniferspring(past apprentice)

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 RP Information

It all started out with little Conekit born beside Beadkit and Sulphurkit, sired by Slipperystone and Dewblossom. Slipperystone and Dewblossom both were average warriors, Dewblossom being more well-known due to being the sole permaqueen at the time. She always took great care of the little ones, yet neglected to teach them what Slipperystone wanted. Conekit’s father was one of the groups of cats that desired for Lakestar to lead their clan with a fiercer grip, after countless cases of suspected codebreakers. She didn’t follow their desires, but Slipperystone’s mate too shared these values. She wanted the best for her kits, but didn’t shy away from teaching their beliefs. The three boys, for the most part, followed in their parents footsteps. 

Even though Conekit held onto these beliefs, Lakestar started to take a liking to the determined little fella. Of course, she would visit all the kits of Lakeclan, after all, they were her clanmates! Conekit was in awe due to her role, and his parents did encourage him to follow through with his high expectations. Once the time for apprenticeship occurred, Lakestar announced the three brothers’ mentors. Surprisingly, Lakestar took Conepaw as her apprentice. He was in shock, but in awe!! His first lesson with her was excellent, and he boasted about her wonderful teachings. From arrogance, he lied and stated he could already swim from the island to the shore after just his second lesson. As a result, Beadpaw dared him to do so. His confidence was overbearing, so he took the dare. In the middle of the night, Lakestar hadn’t enforced the law of staying on the island, so their journey to the island shore wasn’t stopped nor monitored. 

As expected, one of the brothers perished that night. Conepaw barely made it off of the land before a fish darted by and smacked into his muzzle. It caught him off-guard, and he appeared to look like he was drowning. Unknown to his siblings, he was actually quite alright, just dazed momentarily. In a state of panic, Sulphurpaw leapt in after his brother, hoping to “save” him. Conepaw saw this too late, as he was in a state of nausea from the fish hit. Beadpaw rushed away, hoping to find a warrior in time. Conepaw barely made it back to the shallow section of the island, yet returned to see Sulphurpaw further ahead from the land now. Although he… was… not swimming. He was able to bring his corpse back to land, yet it was too late for his sibling. Beadpaw returned with his mentor, a cat named Flakefish, who helped bring the body back to camp. 

Lakestar never expressed any venom towards either of the little toms, yet she still made no action to stop cats from exiting camp without supervision. Conepaw confided in Lakestar, as well as with his parents. Beadpaw ignored his birth family, intermingling himself with Flakefish’s life more and more. Lakestar comforted him the most, due to his parents’ “busy schedule”. However, one night, Slipperystone and Dewblossom noticed the tom start to act just like Lakestar, which they wanted to some degree! Not this much though, so they had a few stern talks about how he behaved, and how he could do better. 

After this, he got slightly more like his kit-self. Brash, arrogant, but less naive, or so he thought. The rest of his apprenticeship went smoothly, and he requested the name Coneflower, after her recent name choices being quite dreadful. Either too bland or even unconventional, but nonetheless, Coneflower became a warrior alongside Beadclaw(he believes he got the better name). 

Early on in his life, Conestar received Coniferpaw as his first apprentice. Coniferpaw was a kind little shecat, similar to his own mentor. One major difference was Coniferpaw was a doer, and she was determined to achieve everything. Their training was a breeze, especially with the two's competitive spirit. Before they even knew it, Conifer was named Coniferspring, due to her incredible speed on land and in the lake. She does oppose his current decisions from time to time, yet he surprisingly does listen to her. Then again, she usually supports him in a way similar to Lakestar. 

Anyhow, soon after he finished training the tuxedo molly, the first deputy of Lakeclan perished. He had a bad encounter with one of the twolegs’ aquatic monsters, and didn’t make it out alive. Many of his clanmates were obvious choices, however Lakestar believed in her old apprentice to carry Lakeclan to greatness. She knew he had his parents’ views, yet she did like the alternate perspective. She elected him and lived as leader a few moons before losing one of her lives, which encouraged her to retire. She did as such, allowing cats to refer to her as Lakenymph, and she now resides in the elders' den.

Conestar’s been reigning for not too long, yet long enough to know what he wants and how to represent Lakeclan to the others. He’s enforced more base-line rules, making sure no tragedies occur.

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 Appearance: Conestar is a golden-speckled selkirk rex with thick, curled fur and longer strands of hair throughout his complexion. His eyes are narrow and hold a vibrant honey-hue with sky-blue undertones. A scar rides alongside his flank, as well as a bite mark on his right ear.


Conestar is a hot headed and pretentious tom who holds an unhealthy ego, which only expanded due to his somewhat recent promotion in the clan. He believes Lakeclan’s calm and easygoing attitude makes the clan, his clan, appear weak. There are quite a few cats in Lakeclan who share his views, yet a lot of the time his temper overrides the general desires of his clanmates. He is occasionally willing to listen to his opposite minded cats, yet will usually brush off their less-superior ideas. His dedication to the warrior code is immense, and he harshly punishes any who break it. 

It’s very difficult to break through his tough shell, although not impossible by any means. He acts stern to those younger with him, but kits will immediately draw awe from within him. He always makes sure the kits and younger apprentices enjoy life in Lakeclan, giving them the best prey and den in camp, alongside the elders' den as well. He plans to bring great changes to Lakeclan, so that they’re not pitied nor considered lazy, it wouldn’t be a great image for future Lakeclanians!

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