Aiya Cept



2 years, 6 months ago


heres the link to her page lol

basic info
alignment: lawful good
species: aasimar (shhhh pretend that it isnt variant)
class: cleric/warlock
faith: torm
gender: female (she/her)

  • very willing to help others in need
  • can easily be pushed around
  • respects common folk despite noble birth and does not place herself above others
  • however, it is very hard to gain back her respect after being betrayed.
  • believes all people regardless of station deserve to be treated with dignity, unless commiting a terrible crime.
  • holds the noble obligation to protect and care for those below her... even if her family doesn't exacly uphold that
  • doesn't resort to violence or killing, will try to heal and save enemies if she can
  • held unwavering loyalty to soverign... well, until discovering her father's arms dealings
  • will face any challenge to win the approval of her family (this changes when she makes friends who actually respect her)
  • has daddy issues. very high expectations to follow through on what is set for her so she's scared to disappoint
  • did not have a good relationship with siblings. has a bratty younger sister (dawn) and a stuck up older brother (ehnter). however her brother goes through Character Development (tm)
  • cant read the terms and conditions, apparently
  • her kindness is often taken for granted or abused
  • hides a secret that could destroy any respect of her

Being brought up with a good-aligned religious background, Aiya was always one for being kind and caring to others. She became a cleric (as was expected of females serving under a religion) not only to fulfill her duty as the daughter of a lord, but also to prove herself as the middle child. One day, she set out from her home of Departe to learn more from the outer world. However, she accidentally signed a contract for extensive magical knowledge without reading through the terms and conditions and was locked into a warlock position under a patron.

As if her problems with religion weren't bad enough, she later also joins an adventuring group that literally discovers every single god is just one singular hobo-looking guy who is actually Super God. Not only that, she and the party discover that her father, Lord Cept, was involved in illegal dealings that intersected with their mission from the local king. Somebody give this girl a break.