


2 years, 5 months ago


  • ✧ Nikuumi ✧

  • ✧ age 2 4 6-years-old
  • ✧ gender Female
  • ✧ species Zenyou Ryuuou Youkai
  • ✧ pathway  🜃 
  • ✧ trials 0 / 7

✧ Region | Virnorin 

✧ Skills

Weapon Mastery ✧ Skilled in using Sai and short-ranged Kama

Survivability ✧ Experience in the wilderness to scavenge and forage; create shelter from branches and mud; find drinking water

Flexibility ✧ Able to conform to small spaces and fit through usually unreachable areas

Dark Vision ✧ Ability to see through the night and dark

Extreme Taste ✧ Able to differentiate varying ingredients and remember which in a dish

✧ Magic

Rain Dance ✧ Can call upon rain at will

Shape-Shifting ✧ Ability to transform into a medium-dog sized Eastern dragon

Levitation ✧ Floating or flying at the highest height of 20 feet

 "Have you tried a fruit tart yet…? What about mochi? Pancakes? Mousse?" 

✧ Height 1 3 4 . 6 2 cm

✧ Orientation Heterosexual

✧ Build Small

✧ Status Single

✧ Origin Nippon

✧ Era Edo Period

Positive Traits

Big-Hearted Friendly Self-Determined Sociable

Neutral Traits

Docile Forgetful Optimistic Self-Critical

Negative Traits

Timid Insensitive Unpredictable Jealous

✧ Likes

  • Sweets & Desserts
  • Sunlit Spots
  • Gemstones

✧ Dislikes

  • Blisters & Sores
  • Bitter & Sour Food
  • Snowy Weather

✧ Previous History

Born from the blood of Zennyou Ryuuou and a lesser Youkai, Nikuumi found herself abandoned early on. Left to rot in the blizzard swirling around the mountaintop of her village. Barely able to escape thanks to the wandering crow demons that brought her down with their murder. Allowing her another chance to live.

Though they had rescued her from the ill fate of freezing to death, they did little to aid in her survival. Giving riddles and hints in their critical tongue. Forced her to read their movements and learn their ways to understand the meaning of their words. Understand their momentary passing wisdom.

Once she was old enough to become knowledgeable about their tongue and the traditions of those at the base of the mountain, she left. Unlike other Youkai, she didn’t have anything materialistic or goals set. She just wished to see what humans were like. What their life was compared to her own.

How better they had it off than her.

Born from something and given nothing, she walked along the surface with nothing but the clothes off her back. Learning the ways of humans the harsh way. Through crime and punishment.

✧ Entry Point

Her feet were burning as if charred and turned over coal. Her feet splintered from running on, and on, and on. The cries of the frightened people right behind her echoed in her ears. Ringing as if right besides her. Scars and open wounds create a faltering trail, leading her to her demise.

Leading them to her.

Her consciousness had faded to darkness; a feeling so foreign, yet familiar. Being guided unknowingly to a new world. To Limbo’s Prism.

✧ Trivia

Voice Claim | Misawa, Sachika [ EXAMPLE ]

✧ Name ‘Nikuumi’ means “Unpleasant Dragon”

✧ Enjoys collecting gemstones, rocks, and anything geologic

✧ She once ate an abandoned piece of dessert from a child in town; trying it for food and substance, only to grow fond of the sweet taste

✧ Will and always accept and give head pats

✧ Anything fluffy will gain her interest to pet or feel


✧ Kutatu | Bodyguard

[ Friend ] Has a lot of trust in. Because he saved her during another time of starvation and pain, she tends to lean towards him for answers and knowledge. Despite him being younger than her.


✧ Glave | Crocodile-Drake

[ Friend ] A very nice man. Sees more like a drunkard uncle that needs to be watched over despite his own words of assurance. Enjoys mostly staying by his side and sunbathing.


✧ Lavinia | Reneé

[ Friend ] Fellow sweet-tooth lover and picnic friend. Doesn’t mind talking the other’s ear off to fill the space with sound, nor staying silent for tranquility. Simple to please, yet close to travel through the Prism and explore parts of the forest together.


✧ Kiiree | Godling

[ ??? ] Unsure how to really think or consider Kiiree. Though they seem to be kind and willing to answer her curious questions. She believes maybe there’s more that meets the eye… but will have to think about it after playing around.


✧ Elwood | Nature Spirit

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✧ Aurora Jane Seymore

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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