


2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info












Celeste is a cat who lives in the forest surrounding Draco's Watch. He has a house in said forest. He will help anyone who ends up getting lost in the forest, since he's aware of the danger that it can hold for most people. He has a lot of knowledge on the forest and some surrounding areas, so some people go to the forest just to find him. He doesn't spend all his time at his home, though. He will occasionally go into Draco's Watch to buy food if he can't find food in the forest or if he wants to go to the library to read some books regarding the history of the region or magic. He is a pretty well known regular at the library due to this.

He got his blue and aqua markings on his arms, forehead, and eyes, by mastering a couple of forms of magic. He was able to master water and air magic, though he hasn't attempted to master any type of magic that could branch off of either of those. Though he doesn't necessarily use his water magic on a daily basis, he does use his wind magic to fly when he wants to travel longer distances, because it can be quicker than walking or running. He's trying to learn as much magic as he can for the sake of learning it. He doesn't have much of a reason to do so, though because he is trying to learn a lot, he is good with giving tips to anyone trying to learn magic. Though he doesn't really like being interrupted while he's at the library, he will give tips to anyone who asks him. 

Unlike the majority of creatures in this world, Celeste's family tree is in a weird middle state between being able to walk on two legs and walking on four legs. He can stand on two legs for small periods of time because of it, but the structure and size of his legs aren't any different from a creature that stands on four legs. Due to this weird transition stage, he will sit in chairs as if he walks on two legs, but will primarily walk on four legs. If he chooses to walk on two legs, he tends to hunch over, since his body isn't entirely meant for walking on two legs, and it's sort of trying to get him to walk on four legs again. If he wanted to get used to walking on two legs, he could. If he walked on two legs enough, the whole hunching over situation wouldn't be as bad, but since he prefers to walk on four legs, he hasn't done so yet, and doesn't plan on doing it anytime soon.

When there was a whole situation regarding random marking showing up on people's right arms, he was the first one to start researching the situation, though other people would start researching it soon after. He started researching if after he saw a few people with the same marking in the same area out of nowhere on multiple people, which is a highly unlikely occurrence. A little while after he started his research, though, he noticed that he himself had the same marking. He still needs to put more research into this. If he doesn't find out through his research in books, he will try to figure it out himself , with whatever means necessary.

He is a pretty serious person. He likes staying focused on whatever he is working on, if he is working on something. He will probably get annoyed if someone distracts him from his work if there is no reason for it. If someone needs information about a topic, he doesn't really know when to stop talking about said subject. Someone would have to interrupt him to stop him from talking their ear off. Though he knows quite a bit about magic, he is pretty humble about it. He is pretty pacifistic, though he will fight someone if he is in danger. He will go through great lengths to find answers to his questions, no matter how long it could take to find the answer.