Orion Hackett



2 years, 5 months ago


🎨🌠"I don't get paid enough for this..."🌠🎨

Name: Orion 'Ori' Hackett

Age: 25

Gender: Male (FtM)

Orientation: Gay/Enby/Homoromantic

Pronouns: He/They

Symbiote: Nightshade X

Occupation: Unpaid Intern (Digital Media)/Freelance Artist

Current Location: Some shithole of an Apartment in San Francisco

Bio: Orion grew up (maybe) fairly normal, though always questioning himself. A love, no- a passion for art got him into studying more of it. Digital Media, Painting, Graphic Design; anything art related, he tried at least once as he was growing up. 

Though his childhood was not all sunshine and rainbows, his parents were not the best.. but they were his. As he aged, he questioned his sexuality, his looks, everything, until he realised, he wasn't what his parents thought.

He came out as trans somewhere around 21, he was drunk, and clearly did not wish to hold his tongue any longer. It was that night that his parents kicked him out of the home. No longer were they accepting, no longer did he get help. Managing barely to pass College; he was forced to find a job and quickly, though somehow landing in unpaid work, he decided to try Freelance artwork on the side, any money is good money when you have an apartment and food to pay for. (Even if it's not the most glamourous place.)