Chaol's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

HiroxHound Global Rules

This design may not be reproduced or heavily referenced in ANY WAY

I mean flat out same colour, same outfits, anything. Light referencing is ok, what do I mean by this? Things like maybe a pattern, or scar placements


You may not also sell higher than what you bought them for unless art is added with it, And not under 80 days of you purchasing them (2 and a half months). Do not resell for a higher price unless extra art has been added


Do not delete them so you can be listed as the maker

Always ask me before reselling/trading my designs away

If I ask for them back, please do send them back. I have my reasons and only will if I see them OTA and wish for them not to be

Even if more art is added, don't sell for more than $25

Free characters cannot be sold for more than $10, regardless of the amount of art added

Free art does not count as money. if I do free art/fills do not add that to the value of the character