


2 years, 6 months ago


🔎Murdered Dancer📸

Bourbon is a former detective living. Within the time span of his job he has covered multiple light cases and quickly progressed to investigating missing Howltar cases.

Bourbon prioritizes knowledge and justice above everything, he doesn't care about the culprits' circumstances and emotions. Only realizing how selfish his goal is when a certain criminal took away their own life not soon after Bourbon's deduction.

This case were dubbed as a detective's first 'murder' by Bourbon himself. Ever since then, Bourbon tries his best to sympathize with the culprit and make them accept their fate in a more healthy way, whilst maturing emotionally.

Bourbon signed off due to the injuries he has. He has a small hole on the side of his beak followed with a long scar on his face and a wrapped amputated leg supported with chains pulled by his left wing.

Likes: Spending time in a bar, jazz, playing billiard, mystery novels, coffee.
Dislikes: Poor in skills/knowledge, fish, nighttime, dark places.

1. He can grow chains from his back wings, it's where the stardusts are placed. He can grab you with it (depending on weight), trip you with it, punt you with it, and tie you with it.

2. Able to follow instructions in depth further in a short time. He's quick to notice hints faster than anyone currently living.

1. Part of his chains are fragile. Hit it hard enough and it'll break as a whole. The fragile part is at the starting length of the chain and takes a lot of concentration to hit since you'll have to approach him closely. Breaking it can pause Bourbon's magic for atleast 10 seconds.

2. Greet him with fish. +5 points if he shat out bricks.

3. If you can't outsmart him, you can outview him. He's not that good with sight as he's born with a weak retina, with that weakness you can vanish freely into the night however you like. Just on a couple of notes though: be fast and don't wear bright clothes.

INFO: his supporting chains are NOT opt, unless you are drawing his past self. chains made from magic are the same color as his stardust.