
2 years, 5 months ago


RZlOuzB.png ozzy - paint
Stats and info


vhs/dvds/tapes technology and malware tech repair glitchcore cartoons insects robotics coding design etc.
Likes and dislikes;
  • analog tv
  • white noise
  • bugs
  • milkshakes
  • grape flavoring
  • the dark
  • small dogs
  • rain

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus lobortis condimentum varius. Praesent ac ligula eget nisi auctor euismod. Pellentesque egestas congue erat sed bibendum. Phasellus in arcu volutpat, scelerisque nibh a, ornare mauris. Nullam nec nulla ut enim sagittis cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque id velit pellentesque, vestibulum magna vel, ullamcorper dui. Donec scelerisque orci ex, sed accumsan est efficitur a. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed feugiat, ex eget lobortis auctor, ex sem semper nunc, non condimentum velit ipsum in risus. Vivamus vestibulum sagittis laoreet. Aliquam id laoreet sapien. Etiam sit amet varius libero. Morbi non dignissim ipsum. Fusce placerat volutpat felis a dictum.

pretty nice...

Vestibulum sit amet interdum lectus, gravida condimentum felis. Curabitur bibendum mattis elit, id scelerisque dolor consequat vel. Vivamus pulvinar risus in vulputate molestie. Duis bibendum arcu dui, vel mattis augue dapibus vitae. Donec faucibus, lectus in rutrum venenatis, tellus mauris imperdiet diam, ut semper quam ex ac purus. Proin ligula massa, semper tincidunt gravida vel, posuere a urna. Donec accumsan venenatis scelerisque. Fusce porta mattis leo nec venenatis.


Ozzy stands at a somewhat short five foot nine inches. He has pale, almost white-looking skin from afar that does not mark or freckle easy, even in the sun. His hair is a warm, light brown, almost bordering on strawberry blonde in color, with one side cut shorter and closer to the scalp than the other. His hair is overall straight in texture, though holds some fluffiness otherwise.

His default outfit is a customized blazer and bellbottom pants, both colored a medium greenish-blue, the pants being darker in color along with the cuffs and "collar" of the blazer mismatched in black and white. He wears opposite black-and-white dress shoes and a white button-up with black tie underneath the blazer. Ozzy wears squared, almost opaque-tinted glasses, black and white swirled earrings with a matching button on his tie.

Design notes
  • His eyes underneath his glasses are fully black, with the right iris white and left iris static and multi-colored.
  • ^ This can vary, however, and none of it is required. Fully black, or white with black (r) and white (l) irises also work.
  • He is almost always seen wearing his glasses, as it is just a personal preference for him.
  • Ozzy has a more inhuman form, though it is an extremely rare occurence that it gets seen or used.
Do/Do not
Do this not this
Do this not this
Do this not this
Do this not this
Grim Friends/??? Link

Exes, though they still maintain a friendly relationship. Together or separated, Ozzy still cares for Grim deeply, and enjoys spending time with the other when he can find the time to do so.
GI0 Neutral Link
The first sentient AI he'd built. Originally built out of sheer curiosity, as robotics was already a hobby of his, but unfortunately it seemed to work too well. Used Gi0 as a subject for a "theory" of his in the past, though now regrets it quite a bit as he'd grown to care about the android. Feels guilty for many of the things it went through.
B1T Neutral/Friendly Link
The second sentient AI. A continuation of his plans for Gi0, though abandoned the project soon after as he recorded B1Ts development in comparison. Now, though he doesn't interact with them nearly as often as he'd like to, he mostly helps them with repairs or upgrades and the like.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus lobortis condimentum varius. Praesent ac ligula eget nisi auctor euismod. Pellentesque egestas congue erat sed bibendum.
  • Phasellus in arcu volutpat, scelerisque nibh a, ornare mauris. Nullam nec nulla ut enim sagittis cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque id velit pellentesque, vestibulum magna vel, ullamcorper dui.
  • Donec scelerisque orci ex, sed accumsan est efficitur a. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
  • Sed feugiat, ex eget lobortis auctor, ex sem semper nunc, non condimentum velit ipsum in risus. Vivamus vestibulum sagittis laoreet.

150px-Notepad.png credits - Notepad
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thanks for using Pretty guardian!! folder pink {big} hope u enjoyed my code, sorry for the messyness btw.