


6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Bought for $230 and with art which value is $120



 Arcanus| Mature Adult | Male

Tribe: Originally [The Hidden Tribe]
Family members: -
Mate: -

Rarity: Mutant   ★?
Race: Southern/Eastern mix
Body-type: Royal/ Dragon mix
Rank: Elemental Warlord
Element: Poison, Lightning
Weapon of choice: Stinger

NOSE: Regular (tier 1) +0
EARS:  Double furless (mutant) +?
HORNS: Blade/curved (tier 5/1) +6
EYES: Empty (tier 3) +2
TAIL: Extra long (tier 4) +4
SCALES: Arms, Legs 1/2/  + 1
SPIKES:  Arm, Head (tier 4)+4

Broken wings (mutant)
Stinger (mutant)


   Personality: Nervous, Unsure of the world, distrustful, antisocial, hermit

Was born in the hidden tribe in the desert, but was a naive orphan and once leaving the tribe area, was easily lured to become an test subject for the mad scientists by the shady outsiders. Was promised strength to win his bullies, but as a young little arcanus, he couldn't understood how painful the cost for the promised strength would turn to be. If he had known, he wouldn't have traded his orphan life to the painful one he currently has. 

"Experiment 001# This arcanus has been the victim of horrible experiments. These scientists mixed parts of another animal into 001. The pain and pressure drove 001 mad and he's currently unstable. 001 uses a poison element that is not only deadly, but also generates a blinding light . 001 has extremely poor eyesight due to the poison also coming out of his eyes. The scientists concluded 001 was too dangerous, and they removed his wings."

After the experiments, he haven't managed to sleep even single night without waking up constantly to the unbearable pain or seeing night terrors of the events.

Protects his eyes with a cloth, as he has become extremely sensible to natural light. The pain eases in dark, which make him see a bit better in dark. During the day his sight is so bad, that he is comparable to be blind.

Can control his power and mutation only partly, distrust towards other have made him unconciously protect himself with his stinger, it will attack anyone that dares to come too close to his personal space. However can control the poison outcome and make the attack almost harmless.

 Because was born in a desert, have a habit of visiting it and it's border areas. Stays away from the tribe are itself, but sometimes longs for the time he spend within it.


Night-time, darkness, nature, wandering, scorpions, remote areas, desert, warmness


Light, people, pain, clothing, night terrors, cold, winter

      HTML template by Coywolfy

Ping/Let them know if re-homing

@JaysConfused @Ikeoryx