Accalia Lilith-Jake



2 years, 6 months ago


Gender/Pronouns: She/They, Genderqueer 

Species: Canine Demihuman 

Abilities: Fire, Mind Manipulation 

Sexuality: Queer 

Age: Early-mid 20’s 

Birthday: June 18th  

Personality: Naturally quiet, only being talkative and outgoing around those she trusts. Her temper runs deep, a defense mechanism along with her issues with trusting others. Known to be strong physically and in ability, she's cautious when around people and is known to be a little reactive and jumpy, choosing to fight first and figure it all out later. She values friendships miles above romantic relationships, and makes her love known by being there for those close to her. It’s fair to say she’s dependent on her friends, as much as she tries to be independent. She likes to stay up at night, and doesn't like waking up early if she doesn't have to. She also has a habit of moving between wolf territory and her house in the city with little to no warning, and it depends on her mental health as her mental state is far from whole.

Story Summary: Accalia grew up in “Alpha Sinmore”’s pack and had to deal with the rules and regulations he had set for the pack. Her parents spoke out against him and how he was running it, as they were the spearheads of a growing resistance in the pack, and were killed for it. It lead to her also getting kicked out and exiled shortly after, being left to fend for herself at a relatively young age, even for someone growing up in Wolf Territory. She happened across Shadow’s family’s pack and they ended up taking her in and it’s when she first started dating him. When Sky’s father eventually attacked the pack, she fought against him and used her fire against him and gave him the wounds that would end up killing him. Sky now wants revenge against her because he firmly holds that she murdered his father.