Dalumun Corren Sommon the 3rd



8 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


dal-uh-muhn Kohr-ren Sohm-muhn




178cm (5'10")




Xenoromatic Xenosexual


Bounty Hunter? Its complicated/Heir to the throne


Romance, learning, food


Politics, rejection, hard-boiled people


Flexible, friendly, incredibly motivated to self improve


Worldly knowledge, combat skills, sensibility


The cuffs on his arms/wrists are actually marked with a royal symbol, its really the only way you would know he's royalty if you got the reference.


Physical Description

Dal is a deserge with tan brown fur through most of his body but with some kobisha brown tuffs on the top of his head, over his ears and on the tip of his tail. His skin itself is a light peachy colour and his eyes are a bright green. He generally wears a vest with golden trim, greyish leather cuffs with golden accents on each wrist and his upper arm, grey green pants and leather wrap on his legs and feet. He also has a notably small necklace around his neck. Some of his whiskers are somewhat jagged in places. Dal regularly changes outfits which are often a variant of what was described above. 

As a last fact most Deserge wear hoods of some sort but Dal does not for cultural reasons.


Dal's backstory is a tad bit less complex then Darwin and Natalie due to having a much more luxurious and relaxed upbringing. As the first of many children of a royal family he grew up rather well of. He was born shortly after a lengthy war had ended and was the first of many children to come in his family. Due to the timing Dal’s upbringing was very lax and tried to take attention away from the possibility of ever needing to be anything but basically the child of a celebrity. Thing is as Dal the 2nd (his father) began to near the end of his lifespan the people of his nation became increasingly paranoid they’d be left with a unworthy lazy minded king and thus the pressure was on Dal.The people were not incorrect in their assumption as Dal had become a lazy minded slacker by this point that mostly just drank beer, rode a hover bike and made very unprofessional jokes constantly. Dal was a least not the type to just give up and did want to prove he was more than this. At age 18 he left his home planet and landed at UICA headquarters to get his worldly experience to prove he could be serious and competent!

Upon arrival he was encouraged to take a minor job bounty hunting a “dangerous intergalactic criminal"... which turned out to be Darwin.

After some shenanigans involving getting his ass thoroughly whooped by Natalie and his hover bike trashed he actually had a talk with the two. Dal found out that he and many others had been misled to hunt this former slave that had done nothing wrong. As such Dal figured he would change careers and help protect Darwin instead which would certainly prove he was his capacity to be responsible!


Dal is quite chill but not the brightest bulb. Even as royalty he doesn't really see himself as above others, he has very little ego at all and is quite down to earth. That said he is rather confident overall and thinks he can accomplish almost anything as long as he at least tries. 

Unfortunately he's somewhat sheltered by his unbringing and fails to sometimes catch the nuances in the tone and body language of others. This leads to him trying to romance people that clearly uninterested and getting in the personal space of others. He also tends to make humour out of things others are sensitive about and not take a serious situation... well seriously until told his behaviour is uncalled for at that time. Thing is while he's slow at picking up these things the first time he isn't incapable of learning and quickly alters his behaviour around the needs of others.

Dal is actually rather motivated to learn and self improve, he's not afraid to ask others to assist him in these things either. As noted he is confident but he's realistically so and thus knows he can always use to learn more. That said there are a few things he doesn't feel he needs to improve like looks. He "knows" he's attractive and doesn't care if others feel differently.

As a last point Dal is very debaucharous but oddly not in a sexual sense. He will eat basically any dish, drink himself under the table and is even willing to try different recreational drugs but is actually not that sexually driven. He is more a romantic that wants someone to love rather than someone to bone. That said he intrigued by... um... foreign anatomy and would engage in that if offered. He just doesn't seek it out too much.