


2 years, 6 months ago



Elmer Arison (Sparky)

He/Him . ??? years old . Deceased 

"People are no better than insects."


(Elmer Arison) Sluving's biggest prodigy a boy full of promise and hopes for the future of tech advancement, His IQ was unmatched and he were able to come up with inventions the likes the world had never seen before. He is a name in history textbooks and seemingly nothing more. When alive he were known for his ill-temper with a cold and rude attitude towards pretty much anyone. 

Elmer had grown to absolutely despise the human race, seeing them no better then disgusting insects that were cluttering up the earth. An absolute unforgiving nihilist with no mercy. Behind closed doors working for the infamous company The Silk Road while being Sluving's mad scientist, 

(Sparky) Sparky is the AI created by Elmer before his suicide, the machine seems to be a cybernetic clnoe of his maker. He holds the same memories, knowledge of his predecesor. Made to carry on aiding The Silk Road despite Elmer's death. The name 'Sparky' being a corny nickname Vincent came up with upon discovering him, it also helps hide the true identity of his origins.

One of the two main antagonists of the book WIP The Silk Road! Check out here for drafts and snippets relating to said book. 


  • Alone time
  • Energy drinks and fast food
  • Soft spot for cats
  • Music
  • Slasher movies


  • Social interaction
  • People
  • Small talk
  • Rom comms




Random trivia 

  • (Sparky) His lab is now in the basement, he has the lab under extreemly deligent secruity and has an over the top enforced door to keep them all out. To even ask to be allowed inside the user must prest the intercome button (Which is located higher then any of the rats are able to reach, allowing only Vince to attempt entering.)
  • (Spakry) Times he shuts down the others find it funny to toss his husk into a dark cupboard which causes a mini panic attack whenever his fuses regain charge.
  • (Sparky) Inside the metal suit is a self charging componant so he is able to recharge himself, however this takes a long time of being shut down in order to do so. So the fastest thing to revive him would be a plug in charger.
  • (Sparky) Whenever he is shut down he has no recollection or memory of his time blacked out, It also has an eerie sensensation of feeling like he's deceased. So everytime he is powered back on it's like a revival which causes him to seem unhinged.


When he were alive he used to be a famous young scientist by the name of Elmer, Everyone had high expectations of his abilities and always assumed he would go far and carry the city to newer heights. Since he had been a small child he had always dreamt up fantasies of a more technologically advanced world of flying cars and robot servants. 

Towards his late teens something changed in him, after an event he became more cold and sealed off from the rest of the world. Bitter and corrupted, A true nihilist who saw no point to helping humanity anymore as he viewed everyone as one and the same, selfish scum. He grew to have an attitude and temperment that not many people could handle or account for along with his hatred of the human race.

He began working on the sidelines for a company called The Silk Road, a company who began to pay him to make virus's and plagues for them to distribute to the public of Sluving. Their plan being so cause sickness so people would pay a high penny for medicines and cures. Elmer wanting to get back at the same world that turned it's back on him he agreed, distrubuting types of mass plagues and illness's with too much variation to be fully controlled. Causing the city of Sluving to become locked down, causing the citizens of Sluving to be trapped in the decaying city of Elmer's creation.

Over time Elmer became prime suspect of the investigation into what was causing all these horrific outbreaks, knowing the evidence was stacked against him and he wouldn't have much time he got to work on his final project.

He managed to upload his memories, his personality onto an AI and this AI became a means to stay alive even after he were long gone. After killing himself he knew he would have someone around to continue his work, himself! or a clone at best. The AI kept his new identity a secret and lead the media to believe the lead suspect Professor Elmer had died. After having accomplished something none of his peers had beforehim he felt hollow and depressed, as if there were nothing else he could use to occupy his time. 

 If he becomes stressed or has overworked or out of charge he will simply shut down and become an empty husk until being powered back on again. During the times of blackout he will have no recollection or memory of what had happened while he were unconscious so has a tenancy to miss certain parts of a conversation if he were to shut down.

Sparky is the AI behind the making of the virus's and mainly stays in his lab - let's Vince deal with all things social and being the face of the company as Sparky has an inability to do so. The two use each other for their own gains financially exploiting each others talents to make a profit.



Vincent Fawkes [ Co-Partner/Closest Friend ]

Agreed to the partnership in order for him to finally have something to occupy his time, after the promise of Vince taking over all things social he were persuaded. 

Vince is the closest person to being considered a friend in his eyes being as he is his main source of interaction these days, but he would never admit to such. They have spent generations together thanks to the Miyocitin drug and the two are constantly in each others space. 

The two bicker and squabble over very mundane things but with both parties thinking they are mightier then the other, having some rare moments of genuine friendship. They can't imagine life without the other. /They were roommates?/


Matty [ Underling ]

The kids get on his nerves, the brat either hasseling him or deliberately winding him up as they know how jittery he is. He does not enjoy their pranks in the slightest and views them as annoying rodent pets. 

They are the entire reason he keeps the lab under such a tight restriction... 


Vienna [ The Silk Road's Boss ]

Nullam faucibus nulla diam, quis facilisis tellus consequat blandit. Nulla tincidunt imperdiet nulla, at placerat tortor vestibulum sit amet. Curabitur nibh metus, tempus et ultricies fringilla, consequat quis urna. Aenean ultrices blandit purus, sed rhoncus felis finibus eu. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

code by 00Ishikawa00 | music player by @Bakuqou