

2 years, 6 months ago



Art by mystiilesbabe

  • Designation Format Cut-Facet (Ex. Cut 13HL Facet 5IX)
  • Colors Light Grey to Black.
  • Standard Height Range 13'2ft to 13'11ft
  • Occupation Technical Supervisors
  • Ranking Authoritative
  • About

    Leads are an authoritative class of technician. Tasked with supervising Silvers and Coppers, these intimidating gems certainly fit their name, putting the Lead into leader. Built to be tall and formidable, despite their technician status, Leads can contain misbehaving or disobedient technicians under their command with relative ease. It's often joked about that the click of a Lead's pen is a technician's worst nightmare, but, frankly, it's usually true. Hardcoded to be intimidating, cold, and utterly terrifying, these professional gems can be quite the obstacle, when they wish to be. Referred to as 'Officer' or 'Chief' by lower-ranked gems, in a reference to the official name of their position, 'Chief Technological Officer'.

  • Appearance

    Leads are, naturally, rather intimidating gems. Forming at an average height of 13'5, these technicians are built lanky, with a surprising amount of muscle, being relatively lean. They often have dark, unkempt hair, and sharp, hawk-like eyes. They wear practical technician uniforms, though, the exact designs varies, all loyalist Leads have a few things in common. Any typical Lead will be spotted with either knee or thigh-high boots, thick elbow or wrist-length gloves, and a pair of standard safety goggles. Their gemstones are always cut into atypical, uneven facets. They always have sharp, shark-like teeth, and a variety of different uneven light-grey patterns across their skintone. Leads without patterns are considered physically defective.

  • Hardcoded Likes Technician Work, Orderly Places, Clean Rooms
  • Hardcoded Dislikes Chaotic Areas, Disorganized Rooms, Verdelites
  • Enhanced Sight Natural Ability

    Leads are formed with naturally enhanced eyesight, meaning they can see pretty far and pretty clearly. And this means, well, to put it simply, any disobedient technician will have a hell of a time trying to hide something from them.

  • Eidetic Memory Natural Ability

    Leads are unique in that they remember almost everything, down to the littlest details. Perfect for memorization and technician assignments. This makes them highly unlikely to make mistakes or remember things incorrectly, being hardcoded to trust their own memories over anything else.

  • Item Summoning Natural Ability

    All Leads are able to summon two very important things; A simple holo stylus pen, and a holo clipboard. These are often used to write down and note mistakes committed by the technicians they oversee.


Leads are free to use! All I ask if that you stay true to their descriptions and credit me!

Hardcoded Traits

Leads are hardcoded to be analytical gems; Typically highly intelligent, with an often skeptical outlook towards things they do not trust. As a gemtype, they're unlikely to rebel, simply due to the way they're coded, though, it is possible in rare cases. Personalities vary from Lead to Lead, though, it can be said that most tend to be rather intimidating gems, clever, cunning, and dedicated to their jobs above all. This isn't a hard requirement, and Leads can generally have any personality, but some variation of a few of these traits appearing is rather common.


Leads seem to possess an odd property when shattered. The split shards of a Lead's gemstone are often reported as causing strange bouts of fainting, blackouts, fatigue, and unexpected clumsiness in the affected gems. This effect isn't fatal with the shards themselves, and seems to go away after the affected gem has been separated from being in contact with the shards for a few hours. However, this gives them interesting properties when used in harvesting.

  • ● Leads supervise both Silvers and Coppers.
  • ● Beneath their gloves, Leads have claw-like digits, akin to talons more than nails.
  • ● Oddly enough, Leads were inspired by Barbie, from the Shadows House manga.

profile html by Hukiolukio