
2 years, 5 months ago


"A loud scrape, and there came another thud--this one more purposeful, and too soon after the first to be a mere coincidence of nature. A charcoal-skinned harbinger by the door, standing as a pseudo-sentry, pricked her ears up and lifted a finger. Her copper eyes narrowed, and the nest of harbingers fell silent. All of them held a single breath, feline ears lifted as they listened for whatever had alerted the sentry. Velid straightened up, craning his neck higher to try and join in on the nest-wide endeavor. He was more alert than ever, but couldn't hear anything out of the ordinary; just the sounds of crunching and shuffling, as if something large was taking great pains to hide its prominent presence, and the storm outside that had refused to calm. A sudden moment later, the silence seemed even thicker. Understanding passed through the nest like a wash of snowmelt."

Druzzun was formerly a young sentry for a modestly-sized nest of harbingers in the western Outlands, and was captured by slavers the night the nest disbanded. Not much is known concerning her current whereabouts, but it is believed that she is still somewhere within Frostguard. She was a former acquaintance of the demon who would come to be known as Lord Velid.