TBN's Comments

Hello! I saw that this character would love to offer art for them! ! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪

To see my examples, please access this https://commissionkei.carrd.co/#more or go to my art section! : D

Hello! I am interested in your offer, your artstyle is amazing! ^_^

Awesome!! Thank you so much for considering my offer ><

What character would you like me to draw? : o

Could you draw this character please? https://toyhou.se/13814875.akane#42754507

Oh my! Such a cutie 😳 I can definitely do them!!

Thank you so much for accepting my offer and I will try my best to get to you soon! 🫡

I look forward to seeing the drawing 😊