Artorias Leonhart



2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Artorias Leonhart






Homonculus, humanoid



Personality (short)

Aloof, stoic, introspective, questioning and calculating


D&D Related

A creation of Mother Lorinda. 

•    Artorias does not remember much of his young life, but what he does remember is an older woman caring for him quite dearly. She was… not really a mother to him, but more just seemed to fuss over him if anything happened to him or when he showed promise for magic. He seemed to be quite a special thing, magically inclined and gifted with alchemy. Not that he knows anything else. From Ravenloft? Perhaps, but he remembers living a 'normal' childhood- thinking of this woman as nothing more than his master and calling her as such. 

•    Artorias was borne from the will of a hag wanting to create a perfected homunculus, from that ritual sprung Artorias, and he grew up with magic flowing through him, making allowing his powers to grow as a mage. From his relatively... normal life, he learned alchemy and magic. Because of Artorias' natural curiosity and the hag’s eagerness to see her creation flower, she allowed him to study under her as an apprentice. He worked meticulously to impress her, and as time progressed, he was given an ultimatum.

o    His master expected nothing less than perfection in the tasks she gave him, and should he fail, there would be no hesitation in replacing him or leaving him behind.

o    Later into his apprenticeship, his master posed to him a final task. “What is the truth of this world?”

•    (Age 13) Once he learned enough, he was sent to an alchemist's academy so that he could do more with his natural gifts and master it on his own, as he needed to grow beyond what means this hag had. Artorias… took this not well at all. He was shocked to be suddenly let go and left to his own devices without his master. He believed that he had done wrong, had been left behind to her promise, and that to return to her without having anything to show her meant that he had failed to keep up with her expectations. He turned to a cooler and more calculating façade- not wanting to seem as though he were hurt by these actions- let alone dread the time he would see his master once more.

•    (Age 14) At the academy, Artorias was nothing short of a star student. Incredibly talented, and not below forgoing usual morals to gain more knowledge and carry out experiments. There, he met and became fast friends with a young kobold- Ruka. Ruka took a very strong liking to Artorias, seeing him as an incredible older brother figure and talented mentor.
•    (Age 15) Mentioning that he really had no family to go back home to during his downtimes at school, Artorias was absorbed into Ruka’s own family. Though quite different from them, he felt as though he was comfortable there. He certainly didn’t mind being a brother, just as Ruka did not mind adopting Artorias into her family.
(Age 17) When Ruka’s mother eventually passed, Artorias did his best to care for Ruka. Not knowing really how to care for someone else took a toll on him, and perceptive as she is, she left to ensure that Artorias would not lose sight of his original goal. They parted on amicable terms, and Ruka vowed to take very good care of herself and learn a lot- to be just as good as he was at magic, so long as he promised to learn a lot too! Artorias agreed to these terms, more than determined to impress; he was driven by his want for more knowledge. With time, graduation came, and he still was none too happy with just how much he didn't know. To add to his repertoire of knowledge, he set out to adventure, and one question burned into his mind... The truth. The world. He wanted to know the meaning behind it all, to complete the task given to him by his master- to have SOMETHING worth bringing back.
•    For this, he is willing to anything to find its answer. Power? Meaningless. Wealth? Just another distraction. Selfish? Perhaps, but at least he asks nicely before feeding you his latest experimental tonic. (Age 21)