


2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info






20-30 years old or more depending on story


White wolf



Personality (short)

Bubbly, outgoing, child at heart, protective, excitable


Priceless, but 800 at least (vtuber, commissioned art)


Mizi DND Backstory


• lives in a little frontier Icewind Dale village with a bunch of other wolffolk- these wolffolk are said to be specialized, with rarely seen wolves having near pure snow white fur. Legend has it is that this group of wolves is descended from a legendary Winter Wolf. Supposedly, each leader is imbued with the power of winter wolves when they become the leader of the village- sworn to protect them from harm.

    Mizi was set to become the next leader in their village, especially celebrated for her nearly snow white fur and capabilities as a benevolent leader.

• she had two friends that she trusted greatly and thought highly of- two foxes, Shadow and Melody. Mizi was very close to Melody; they were quite friendly with each other, much to Shadow's dismay. He grew jealous, stepping in when he believed it to be too much between the two of them. Melody soon began to snap at Mizi, leaving her confused when she believed the three of them to be good friends. (Shadow was trying to use their friendship as leverage to get Mizi to step down from becoming leader.)

• When Shadow and Melody decided to head out on their own, Mizi felt that perhaps it was also time for her to find her own way, with the promise of her coming back to them (which was welcomed by the then leader, who believed that it might benefit Mizi to learn more about the outside world and their ways. To be more understanding and perhaps forge a bond between their little frontier village and bustling cities)

• waterdeep adventures (this is a dnd campaign. Essentially she is a moon druid, and the party follows the story of Dragon Heist and some of Mad Mage)

    In this module, she is given a little spook as she nearly destroys an entire city by nearly unleashing a great evil-- all because she trusted too much. It makes her more distrustful, but still, she believes the best from everyone.

• Eventually, satisfied with her work, she returns to lead the village. She is imbued with the powers of a winter wolf (aka now she has more ice powers-which are also very powerful)
• one summer finds lil Mordred (fox) plopped on her doorstep. She takes him in and soon its...
• mom time, she raises little Mordred and plans to have him potentially take over the village later down the line. He grows, bright and strong, but the spirit of the winter wolf inside her warns that he holds something inside that may make him unfit for leading. Mizi is naturally confused, asking for more, but only receives "In time..."
• Shadow reappears one heavy winter, looking for shelter. Mizi is not all that trusting of his intentions, for no other reason than because he suddenly disappeared with Melody all those years. She tries to suss out what he wants, but eventually gives in because Mordred begs her (he is interested in this newcomer who is also a fox) and because well, why would she turn away a friend in the blistering cold?

This proves to be nothing but a mistake. Mizi carries out her usual duties, but notices more and more that Mordred is starting to get close to Shadow. She doesn't initially mind this, as he's free to do as he pleases. It's once Mordred starts becoming more closed off to her that she starts getting worried that Shadow might be badly influencing Mordred.

She warns Mordred that Shadow may not exactly be that great to be around, and that once the harsh winter is over, she will be sending him away. This angers Mordred, who tells her that she's being weird about this and that he hasn't done anything to warrant being kicked out.
Mizi now only tolerates Shadow, coming behind Mordred and sending him off to do anything but have free time to speak with Shadow without her knowing about it. She becomes paranoid that Shadow will soon also take Mordred from her, just as he had done with Melody, having Mordred come along with her whenever she could.
Mordred eventually snapped, his father Shadow behind him as he confronted Mizi over everything. This resulted in him attacking- setting the village aflame, nearly destroying it all, and threatening Mizi's own life.
She cowered. All she could see was her little baby boy that she had raised. She did not want to fight, sustaining injuries and doing what she could that would minimize the damage to the village. This only frustrated Mordred, who charged at her once more- intending on landing a killing blow.
Mizi blacks out; the winter wolf's spirit manifests- taking control and carrying out it's only sworn duty- to protect the others and their village. It attacks, landing a rather decisive blow to Mordred (much to Shadow's disappointment). As the spirit leaves, Mizi comes to and realizes that, to her greatest fear, she has attacked (and to her own belief- killed) her own son.
Mizi, enraged but more distraught that she had done something so horrid, banishes the two. A smug Shadow obliges without a fight- carrying Mordred off to go and lick their own wounds- intending to return once Mordred had recovered and become stronger.