


2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info






TW: Self Harm, Abuse

Birdie is an intimidating looking girl, despite her height. She has split dye hair, with her natural black hair on one side and pale green hair on the other. She wears a lot of gothic clothing with spider and bat motifs, as well as a lot of spiked jewelry. Birdie has a deep, faded scar on her left eye that is seemingly permanently shut. In contrast to her scary appearance, Birdie is a very extroverted girl who always speaks her mind, possibly to a fault. Birdie is also very protective of those she loves.

In the world Birdie was born into, it is common knowledge that werewolves are bad luck. Unfortunately for Birdie, she was born a werewolf. Once her parents discovered this, they dropped her deep in a secluded forest and left her to die. Birdie quickly became a feral child, and managed to survive as a wolf for a couple years until she was discovered by a green witch who lived just a few miles from where she was dumped. This witch, named Habibah, raised her and gave her the name "Birdie." It wasn't until a few days after having her at home did Habibah realize that Birdie was a werewolf. Habibah, however, did not take this as an sign to get rid of her, and instead kept and raised her.

Habibah soon realized that Birdie had little to no control over her transformations, and they caused her a lot of distress. As Birdie grew, Habibah did what she could with what little understanding she had to help teach her how to control her abilities to a point where Birdie was no longer scared to wake up in the morning. 

The scar on Birdie's eye was self inflicted, and it led her to be completely blind in that eye. She tells people she got it in a fight with a giant bear.

Birdie's favorite things in the world are spider rings and moss.