


2 years, 6 months ago


Dianthus is a moody, reserved guy who takes a long time to warm up to people. He lost his family in a Tragic Backstory where he might have accidentally caused the fire that burned down most of his wooded town. He blames himself despite the uncertainty, and carries the scars of that day both mentally and physically. He always wears long sleeves and pants to cover the burns on the back of his neck, upper back, and left side.

Bitter, angry, and standoffish with nowhere to go. He runs into the group by chance and gets wrapped up in their shenanigans, and as much as he groans or rolls his eyes it's nice to feel like he belongs somewhere again.

Deep into the campaign with his ragtag group of adventurers they end up making a pivotal choice. The fate of their world hangs in the balance, and they have to move forward while resetting their timeline to before calamity struck... but the alternative is being sent back in time to restart with everything else. Everyone chooses to go forward, except Dianthus. Knowing he'll keep his memories and scars even once the timeline merges he can't give up his chance to have his family back, alive, and find out what really happened that night and save everyone.

After the merge the group ends up meeting an older, grown up Dianthus who has gone back and relived the years since the fire. His family is saved, and while the memories still haunt him he's a changed man. Jovial and thankful, once cold and oftentimes rude to the group and others he now comes to think of them as the best thing to ever happen to him and people he holds dear. He leaves home, having a home to leave behind this time, and rejoins the group to help take down the Big Bad before it can get Big and Bad-- insisting it's the least he can do to repay them for his new lease on life.

(I told the DM ahead of time Dia was gonna stay/go back and told them they have free reign to let that play out however they wanted: I never expected him to get his family back and never expected to get to play him like I got to, it was a really fun, interesting experience.)