Animus's Comments

Well, it didn't turn out how I'd like, but finally tried drawing him and Pandora together! xD

Oh my god what are talking about?? It's incredible! I love the redish tints everywhere *w* ohmygosh this is just too cool!

Oh shoot, I thought I had replied to this last week!! Sorry bout that. xD Aaa thank you though, I'm glad you think so! Yeah, it's a lot of fun to do the shading with other colors! Tysm! ^w^

That was fast! Already art of the two little troublemakers together. xD

I couldn't help myself! They are so shippable! Hahaa!

Sorry I'm so late getting back to you on all of these, been busy with prepping for and going to a chorus trip to NYC! But yes, they really are. They seem like they'd be such a devious pair together. xD

Ahh finally I have a voice to go with my forward presentation~!

Conceded isn't a color that suits you, friend. And it won't be long before the sound of my voice will be procured as well--no need to act high and mighty.

Me? High and mighty? Is the kettle calling the pot black?