enid teller



2 years, 6 months ago


an office worker who becomes the main target of "tigger." 


it's the 80's, baby! working 9-to-5 is the reg, and enid teller is one of the most hard working men in the office, considering half of the work he does wasn't even in his job description. initially an IT guy, enid works well with computers, and while he was running around troubleshooting and helping with any tech problems he can, many of his coworkers figured that he might as well become a more general errand guy as well. despite that, he gets along with his coworkers, particularly the gossipy folks with which he keeps the office rumor mill running — and while they don't particularly get along, he harbors a crush on his coworker, reuben. he actually takes some pride in his job, considering himself a part of the rapidly technologically advancing world. outside of work, technology is still a big part of his life and he finds it important to keep up with the times, following tabloids, magazines, and the like, so he has quite a bit of knowledge of pop culture. he dabbles in some programming and web development of his own, though his job leaves him little time to maintain actual hobbies. even so, he has some interest in music and has a small collection of cassette tapes that he considers his pride and joy. 

his personality is generally agreeable. he isn't particularly nonconfrontational, and even lacks a certain grace when it comes to discussions or debates — he's quite gossipy, and often makes assumptions based off of what he thinks of others, though shows great respect to higher-ups or those he admires, almost to a smarmy extent. he's always waiting for a moment to show his skills or knowledge, and it makes him happy to be praised, or to be seen as cool, though the latter doesn't happen often. his tendency to assume also causes him to have quite the imagination, and he can be a bit paranoid.

during the lockdown, he has to shift his tune drastically. he becomes a target to the masked murderer "tigger," an office urban legend that he has been theorizing about for months. he carries a fire escape axe, though he doesn't really use it for self defense (unless?) and more so uses it resourcefully, striking down doors or shelves. he carries an on-and-off air of resilience and occasionally confidence, though is often thrown into an adrenaline crash, and is entirely driven by fear and has no idea what he's doing — though a part of him feels like now is his time to show what he can do, even without experience or training. he’s messed