🍁 Tundra | The Origins



2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Tundra / ᛏᚢᚾᛞᚱᚨ




siberian wolf x snowy owl; deity


she/they (ona/onx); androgyne


aromantic; asexual


ENFP | ambivert | sanguine; rebellious, determined, stubborn, courageous, likes to be in control of everything, persistent, loyal, responsible, independent


running & flying, exploring forests, lonely journeys, cranberries, smoked cheese


rangercore, viking

fav colour / aura colour

maple red


"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"
"I am not led; I lead"
"You can't change the truth, but truth can change you"

Personification of my early memories & my beginnings
God of truth & change

- Tundra isn't quite a physical character, because they live in my subconscious, which contains memories of my distant past and childhood, when I started a more serious adventure with art and identifying myself, when my imagination started to develop more dynamically and when I started (then still unconsciously) to build my own world (mind forest)
- is based on the wolf, which was my 1st "fursona" a long time ago (their name was Rocky; back then I had no idea about the existence of furries, but I drew them since I was a child; I identified with wolves a lot + my characters' common features were scars on the face, bitten ear and a bandana around the neck)
- Tundra guards my earliest memories, both positive and negative ones (partially superseded by trauma)
- is the only character that has their feral form, because in this form I used to make most of my characters, so it's a kind of tribute to them

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- siberian roots (funfact - my family surname comes from Podlachia [Підляшшя] which is near to Russia)
- always wears their 2 necklaces: with opalite heart & lepidocrocite crystal
- maple red hair (they smell like maple syrup a bit)

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> "Tundra"
- the name, obviously, comes from the name of a formation found in Siberia (there are both siberian wolves [canis lupus albus] and snowy owls [bubo scandiacus])
- tundra is also a rocky formation, so it's also a reference to the name of my first fursona

> "Akernovsky"
- acorn (they remind me of fall) + acer (component of Latin maple trees names)

> maple
- symbolizes resilience (because these trees are very resistant to various weather conditions), which I compare to how persistently I have been creating myself for a long time

> triquetra
- "Whatever you do, it will come back to you with triple force"
- it's also symbol of birth, death & rebirth - I can compare it to the fact that my passion for drawing and creating characters was with me since a long time & many times it was close to death (by various events), but in the end I always managed to keep it because it was too important to me; whatever you love, you can bring it back to life, if you care about your happiness

> scars
- on the face - a symbol of how some people in my life have tried to blind me; a symbol of their manipulation which I eventually resisted

- on the chest - a symbol that some people wanted to "tear out" my heart aka deprive me of  my passion for drawing, because they thought it wouldn't be profitable,  and I should do something "better"