Rough-Time (Canon)



2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Rough-Time
Birthday: February 13
Species: Humanoid Void Entity
Pansexual (Question Polyamorous and Demiromantic) 

  • My persona is a very powerful figure, known as the Fandom Lord, and has quite a few abilities.
  • Could care less about the clothes they wear for the most part.
  • He travels the Omniverse to help out any universe.
  • This bitch ain't afraid of pain. He's basically a Marshmallow by now.
  • He can be a little bit of a bastard. But he's a nice guy.
  • Tired Supportive Dad/Boyfriend vibes.
  • He saves a lot of asses.
  • He created a universe/planes of existence called the Safetyverse where any universe/timeline he saves is in the threat of being erased he brings them there to live peaceful. Well, as peacefully as possible.
  • He has a lot of abilities, but a lot of them aren't all that powerful. His most powerful moves include Shattered Judgement, Endless Loop, and Omniversal Torture. And those abilities he only uses for the worse of the worst. 
  • He likes to mess with timelines when he can. Usually, it is a timeline with very very minor changes in the "story." 
  • He has a team of heroes that he works with to protect the Safetyverse from foes. RT is pretty stingy with who he choses to join the team... to an extent.
  • RT makes a point to point out the extensive wrongs the "Hero" does compared to the villain if necessary. Usually he has to do this with Injustice-like AUs. 
  • Despite being an Omniversal presence, he actually can't use telekinesis/gravity magic, warp reality, or even read minds. He can mess with time, but only to an extent.
  • He DOES have a mouth. It's just filled with sharp fangs. Thus he doesn't show it off much, if at all.
  • If he was a video game class, he'd be a mixture of a stealth class and tank class. So if you wanna think TF2, take Sniper, Spy, and Heavy and there you go.
  • RT is an EXPERT in healing magic.
  • RT has a mouth, but he hides it because it actively scares him. But you get him mad, like REALLY mad? He'll show it off. I call this his Savage Mood.  
  • He has a move called Karmatic Sins, which allows him to afflict pain onto a target over a time span according to the amount of evil they have caused and done. But the pain slowly builds and it increases tenfold. It's a VERY violent scenario, since the target can choke, freeze up, and even break every bone in their body, but they can't die, even after the pain finally subsides.  
  • The sword he wields in made of multiple elements from across the omniverse and he uses it to primarily fight those that seemingly tank any attack (Homelander, Omni Man, Superman, etc).  
    Despite being a deadly foe, it takes a LOT of power to do some things he is required to do, so he actually has sorcerers that work closely with him to do some of the things he has to do. 
  • Oh, he also has an entire planet 25x the size of our sun dedicated to his personal military
