


2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Raine (Formal) / Rainey (Informal/nickname)


Utahraptor (Mixed DNA)


Female (She/they)


20 years




4 ft. 11 in. (not including feather crest)


120 lbs. (not including tail)

Favorite Food/Drink

Fruit, Boba Tea


NOTE: If creating art of this character, please adhere to her most recent design! Up-to-date artwork is towards the top of the character art gallery. Current design includes tail feathers, longer arm feathers (no white stripes), and star-shaped freckles under her eyes.

Mixed DNA Utahraptor - A Study of Revival and Transferring Intelligence

Utahraptor ostrommaysorum - 60% - Base genome, general species.

Blue Spix Macaw - 18% - Extinct in the wild, brought back though genetic engineering. Provides uncharacteristic blue coloration and lengthened primary feathers for gliding.

Hummingbird (Unknown Species) - 12% - Dwarfism for species. High metabolism, can put on bursts of strength and speed. Has an affinity for sweets and sugary drinks.

Human - 10% - High intelligence, upright posture, facial expressiveness, opposable thumbs, and green-hazel eye color. The highlight of the experiment. DNA sample taken from a volunteer geneticist in the project.

A rather curious creature, eager to socialize and quick to learn social norms. Dresses in human clothing not out of necessity, but simply out of enjoyment and perhaps a bit of vanity. Or, as the subject insists, "expressing herself". Amusingly, often invites staff out on group excursions to the local bubble tea café, and enjoys befriending any and all passerby pedestrians. Sometimes to the detriment of her self esteem, however, as many don't take well to a living, flamboyantly blue dinosaur walking in broad daylight. Some don't even believe she's a real creature, only an entertainer or master of costume design.

The hummingbird DNA has caused a lot of excess energy, and perhaps an unhealthy addiction to sugary drinks like the aforementioned bubble tea. Frequents the gym after-hours when bystanders won't freak out or question her. Extremely athletically gifted, with impressive stamina, and capable of lifting up to 2 times her bodyweight overhead. 

Subject also enjoys: 

- Sunflowers

- Shiny objects

- Video Games

- Primary Colors, or just bright colors in general

- Rainy or partly-cloudy weather

- Visual Arts; drawing, sculpting, and painting

- Music; partial to J-Pop and Power Metal

- Oh my god please stop asking for more boba I'm broke


♫ Character Playlist ♫

Glide - Stephen Walking

Endless Line - Reol

New Type Tokyo - Reol

Drop Pop Candy - Reol

Bring It On (Kagamine Rin and Len) - Reol/Giga

Winners - Reol/Giga

YY (Hatsune Miku) - 23.exe

The Days - Avicii

Good Time - Owl City/Carly Rae Jespen

No Money - Galantis