Lillian Motome



6 years, 7 months ago


Lillian meaning "Pure"

Motome meaning "Demand, request" 

"Pure Demands."

Gender and Sex: Female

Sexuality: Ricksexual

Lillian Motome used to be human before her village and parts of her family's Yakzua empire was sent adrift by a powerful creature. She is the sole goddess of the islands of Merrios and is responsible for maintaining balance of her world. She hates almost everything and everyone. She's a sociopath who doesn't care for much in this world expect for estranged partner, Rick, and maybe her kids. She has trust issues with almost everyone, often jokes about murder and death, likes scaring other Meerkin. She often runs from her problems and wants nothing more than to love Rick due to Rick being the only Meerkin who she fully trusts.

Don't do the following in front of her, at her or near her:

-Sass her

-Steal her things

-Touch her things

-Whine in front of her

-Ask her for help with something that isn't related to genocide or murder

-Wake her up from her naps

-Call her old

-Flirt with Rick in front of her(Expect if your Rick of course) 

-Insult Rick or his intelligence 

-Drink her beer/wine

-Say her ideas are bad ideas because they're totally not

-Touch her ears(expect if your Rick, once again)