Zorik Hearthfang




Name : Zorik HearthFang


Race: Avatar wolf

Height: 7’2

Weight: 326

Age: 26

Zorik is part of a tribe of wolf like humanoids known as avatar wolves. They are a barbarian and tribal people. At first on would think this means they simply fight and kill but they are actually well organized but still do enjoy a good fight. They are excellent in combat and are trained from a very young age. None in the tribe are considered weak. Even if one is not the best at combat they excel in other ways. The name Avatar wolf was coined from the fact that members of their race are born with unique markings that allow them to channel the attributes of various elements such as earth, water , wind and fire to name a few. Channeling them grants abilities such as fire production form fire or quick agile movement as well as some wind manipulation from air. The channel abilities through the various elements granting them incredible abilities on top of the combat prowess. The markings change color depending on the element being channeled. Only one element can be channeled at once but it’s not limited to the main 4. For example lightning can be channeled as well.   Zorik was one of the few born with this unique ability. This ability can only be activated with nearby elements. If an element is not nearby it cannot be used.

30 years ago his people were pulled into a war that they wanted no part of. There were two warring nations and they were stuck in the middle refusing to choose a side until finally they were attacked. Despite their excellent talent for combat, the avatar wolves are not war mongers and prefer to only fight when they have to. Once they were provoked their tribe rose to the occasion and declared war. They were stuck in the middle of two opposing sides and yet they fought with such ferocity that they managed to not only fight off both sids but push them back. The war was very bloody but in the end they prevailed. There reputation for being barbaric savages rose from their ferocity in combat. While they were merciless it was only as a necessity for survival and not because they simply wanted to be. This reputation soon circulated and still follows them to this day.


His tribe was located in an area of the badlands. They settle directly near an oasis that was supplied by an underground spring. That combined with rainfall was enough for them to survive as well as grow crops and have agriculture. His tribe followed a warrior code and upbringing similar to the spartans of lore. There was very little time for fun or training. Zorik had finally come of age in his tribe. Like previous chosen he could have simply stayed with his village and become a guardian but he wanted a different life. He wanted to go out and see the world around him. Since there were still guardians it wasn’t like he’d be leaving his tribe defenseless. After much discussion he was allowed to leave his home. He brought along his unique blade which was forged when he turned 15. The forging of the blade is a right of passage and is done alongside the forge master once the trials are completed. This process takes about 3 days. The blade can channel his unique ability and is also bound to him magically so he can summon it to his hand at will.

Personality wise Zorik is a fairly calm individual. Due to his barbarian upbringing he will not shy away from a fight. He also won’t turn down a test of strength or skill. During a fight he is very analytical and will quickly figure out how to break down an opponent. He can get fired up very quickly. Despite all this he is not a cruel individual and won’t hurt anyone if he doesn’t have to.  He’s been traveling for quite a few ears now. Currently he enjoys doing various guild quests. He recently discovered pampering and sauna’s which he now absolutely loves, however he keeps this quite since it doesn’t fit in with his culture/ demeanor.  There's a drink known to his culture called bane ale. It's a bitter ale with a slight that causes a bit of burning once consumed. It's not meant to be an enjoyable beverage but a test of ones fortitude. Normally it's consumed among friends and the one who doesn't react to the horrible taste for the longest wins.  

-“Make them fear you even as you die”

-“Hunt well”

-“May your journey be swift and safe”


Excellent at grappling

Enhanced sense of smell and hearing

Excellent reaction time

Survivalist and tracker

Enhanced strength due to his upbringing

Excellent swordsmanship

Avatar Abilities:

Runes (Just a few examples)

Fire rune (Red): Grants mid tier fire manipulation as well as fire immunity.  Can coat weapons in flames, and grants stronger offensive strikes. Can also naturally keep his body warm

Water Rune (Dark Blue): Grants mid tier water manipulation and water breathing. Can send out blades of water from weapon. Also allows for fluent strikes like flowing water

Earth Rune (Brown): Grants mid tier earth manipulation and extreme durability. Can summon pillars of earth to aid in combat or even make earthen armor.

Air Rune (Light blue): Grants mid tier air manipulation, wind immunity. Can wield air like a weapon and is able to move much quicker in combat.