Konigsberg A. Drosselmeyer



6 years, 7 months ago


I don't mind at all if you want to draw my characters at and I do love art regardless of skill and level. However, I will not allow fetish or pornography of them, EVER. These are Characters that I hold rather dearly and cherish them:

Name: Konigsberg Adelheid Drosselmeyer

Nickname: Koko (Only by friends and family, anyone else outside of this will be punched.)

Age: Unknown (Birthday is November 27)

Sex: doesn't have one, (female)


Weight: 1 Lbs

Race: Alchemiac Golem (Tatzelwurm)

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Emerald Green

Fur: Toffee gold with brown tabby strips and cream belly/markings

Nose/ears: Light pink

Family: Marzipan, Edelweiss, Patchouli, Amarok, Strudel, Lebkuchen, Charlotte, Azucena, Fastnacht, Donauwelle and Persipan.

Strengths: Quick wit, spunky,  can cook up a large array of comments from the top of her head, is extremely talented in sculpting, can throw a punch if needed, can name all of Beatrix Potter's books along with quoting lines, and is skilled in botanical illustrations. 

Flaws:  Has a very short fuse, can say some pretty mean spirited things if provoked or placed in an unsavory situation, has a mouth like a sailor when annoyed, is pretty much tone deaf, stubborn, and holds grudges.

Likes: The works of Beatrix Potter, Botanical garden illustrations, Gardens,  warm summer days,  first snow fall, Christmas time, The Christmas markets, fairies, flower crowns, soft rainy days, and a nice fire in the hearth to be nearby. 

Dislikes: People who won't leave her alone, People touching her wheelchair without her consent, not getting personal space, The hideous months of February and March, Sour food, Overly friendly people, and the smell of pickles.

Description: Konigsberg is a Tatzelwurm (A Cat-snake dragon of Alpine lore) golem that is disabled from the waist down due to flaws when being made. Because of this, Konigsberg has to be on a wheelchair for mobility. Konigsberg wears her hair in a braided bun always along with liking either to have a flower crown or her weaved twain hat on her head. Like all Tatzelwurm golems, she wears a Ruff or frilly collar as she loves the looks of it on. Her fur is a toffee gold with brown tabby markings while her stomach, hands, mouth, and eyeshadow is cream in color. If feeling in the mood, she will have a family member wrap a ribbon around her tail to feel fancy. 

Personality: Konigsberg is a very strong willed, stubborn golem that has possibly the shortest fuse around. Konigsberg doesn't take kindly to being babied because of her being in a wheelchair, so this is a good path to getting her to verbally lash out. Now if you treat Konigsberg like a person like you always should do with other people, she can be very spunky and humorous. She can spin tales of her experience and crack some brilliant commentary on films she has watched. In short, Konigsberg is very outgoing, humorous, and friendly to those who have earned her respect.

Bio: TBA