Persipan Agathe Drosselmeyer



6 years, 7 months ago


I don't mind at all if you want to draw my characters at and I do love art regardless of skill and level. However, I will not allow fetish or pornography of them, EVER. These are Characters that I hold rather dearly and cherish them:

Name: Persipan Agathe Drosselmeyer

Nickname: Percy, She who Dwells inside the walls

Age: Unknown (Birthday is February 14)

Sex: doesn't have one, (female)

Size: 1'0"

Weight: 1 Lbs

Race: Blood Magic Alchemiac Golem (Cabbit)

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Chocolate Cherry

Fur: white 

Nose/ears: Light pink

Family: Marzipan, Edelweiss, Patchouli, Amarok, Strudel, Lebkuchen, Charlotte, Azucena, Fastnacht, Konigsberg, and Donauwelle

Strengths: Is great at hiding, making curses, making creepy little stick dolls she loves to hang on the ceiling, intimidation, blood magic rituals, can make some nice flower crowns (But where she gets the flowers is a mystery), writes wonderful mysteries and horrors(When she decides to share her work that is), summoning, and her mapping skills.

Flaws: Her Self Isolating ways, not knowing when to ask for help, her abomination hoarding, Her off putting disposition, pretty sure living inside the wall is turning her into a walking health hazard, and making enemies with her curses.

Likes: Summoning abominations into this plan of existence, showing the world her ever so wonderful stick dolls by hanging them off of things, writing mysteries and horror stories, her white rose flower crown, horror stories, Wintertime, the nice dark insides of the walls in the house, and her slowly growing skeleton collection.

Dislikes: People who scream at her oh so precious Abominations against nature, The ever so troublesome agents that show up from time to time to investigate, The light of day, People taking her skeleton collection to the evidence lab, Summertime, sappy and sickeningly sweet love stories, and the sometimes rogue element that comes from summoning horrible things.

Description: Persipan has soft white fur with floppy ears and fluffy long tail. Her hair is shoulder length, wavy, and black in color to only show case her bizarre red-brown eyes. If you were to move Persipan's bangs, on her forehead is a teardrop shaped red jewel, some say its her third eye. Clothing wise, Persipan wears a long sleeved blouse with her black dirndl and her pretty floral accent apron, upon her head is a white rose flower crown that she rarely if ever removes. Her expression is often blank with a slight pout to her face any other emotions is one to call for alarm and fear. Neutral expressions are a very common trait with Blood magic golems.

Personality: What is there to say that hasn't been said about Persipan? Unknown, creepy, and off-putting, Persipan spreads fear from inside her cozy spot inside the walls of the household. She rarely interacts with others, only doing so when the moon is right or  if she feels particularly chatty that day. Persipan keeps a weird distances from others and can be heard skittering inside the walls when she is on the go. No one really knows Persipan's true personality, not even her own siblings. Though there is one thing to be said, she loves her abominations like one loves their pet along with the skeletons she keeps (Where they come from is a debate between victims or grave robbery.).

Bio: TBA