


2 years, 6 months ago




"There are some things I feel like I'm not seeing here"

Name Avaline
Gender Female
Age 16
Birthday 9th April
Allignment Neutral Good
Race Human?
Class Swordfighter
HTML Pinky

Ava is an ambiverted, observant girl. She may not appear expressive at first, but her face can tell you alot about her current emotion. She is still able to mask negative feelings very well, and if they get too much, she'll vent about them to her friends.

She is curently pursuing swordfighting in order to prove to people that she can fight as well, as well as general self defence knowledge. But underneath it all, she wants to know why her parents left her. Little does she know that she has demon blood and can assume the form of a demon if experiencing extreme stress levels!


She has some basic knowledge on how to manipulate fire magic, thanks to that second form. but her main strength lies in her swordplay. She is quite skilled with the sword and able to pull off more difficult moves than most of her peers. As for the weapon itself, it has some level of sentience, occasionally whispering to Ava, but it also allows her to slice the air into beam projectiles, and various other moves.

She personally prefers a one-handed sword without a shield, as it will interfere with some of her moves.

Reaction speed


  • Festivals
  • Cherryade
  • Thunderstorms


  • Being questioned about family
  • Talking behind her back
  • People bullying Alex
  • High-pitched noises

Ava was born an only child to a young couple who lived in a small village near Sleepywood; the neighbourhood was very friendly and perfect for families. However by the time she was old enough to walk, her parents learned something very shocking and gave her up out of fear. She was quickly adopted by a nice couple. They accepted ava like their own child despite not being her parents by blood. She now lived in a decent part of a large City with two twin brothers; it might have not been as good as the village, but it was still a decent area for families.


Ava grew up relatively distant from her brothers as she was usually more focused on schoolwork and other hobbies, but she would occasionally show her face to them when she felt like it. Even if her adoptive parents treated her as one of their own, she still felt like an odd one out among them possibly from her independence at the time.

Shortly after she turned 10, she took part in a costume contest for a festival. She didn't know why she won, but everyone said that her fire breath was very realistic, despite her never planning to breathe fire at any point while she was on stage. She still had a lot of fun regardless and became friends with a tanned girl called Katie, but after that night, the rest of her family were avoiding her for a large majority of time over the coming months, which meant more time with Katie.


Throughout the next 6 years of her life, she has been studying swordfighting as a main ambition, but she also had been pursuing sevaral hobbies on the side. This included creating a card game, learning cooking, then eventually back to the card game.

One day while she was walking with Katie, she saw a group of bullies picking on a defensless boy. She quickly scared the bullies off and Katie helped the boy get away. He later introduced himself as Alex and started hanging out with the two girls.

However, since the start of the present year, she has been noticing strange things happening; Whenever she gets into a strong emotional state, she feels as if her stomach is literally burning and dark energy coarsing through her. It'll eventually go away, but in rare cases, she'll black out and usually find the area burning or in shock. The first time this occoured, someone was killed, and her sword became stronger! Since then she has been visiting a therapist. It was somewhat effective with other problems, but they were not able to isolate the core of this dissorder, as it was well out of their knowledge.

  • She can spend hours on end watching thunderstorms, completely losing track of time in the process. She becomes completely oblivious to anything other than an ongoing convorsation
  • She is somehow very resistant to fire, to the point she can put her entire hand into an open flame and come out unharmed.
  • In her sleep she has been heard singing occasionally in a very beautiful voice. However after waking up, she will have no memory of what she did.
  • She was better than her mum at cooking by the second lesson she had from her.


Ava and Katie have been best friends ever since the costume contest. The two of them are usually together due to a strong emotional bond between them.



Despite knowing him for a shorter time than Katie, she still regards him as part of the group. Even though he's an outcast among most people his age, Ava and Katie still look out for him.


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