Cess Aster Tinsel



2 years, 6 months ago


Cess is one of the lead protagonists in Project Freedom, he is close friends with Nick, Winter, and Th3o. He wields a hammer that later gets upgraded to the Star Hammer later in the story, he travels around on a magic flying poptart. He is a half-human half Starling mix.

Cess keeps his happy-go-lucky personality from other versions of the character but also gets serious at times when things get in harsh situations. Cess' parents and sister have been turned into slaves under Sinanity's control, this motivates Cess to lead his team, The Freedom Fighters to victory. Cess is aware that his team isn't strong enough to kill Sin, but he knows that if they can believe in themselves enough: they can defeat Sinanity

Cess is the leader of The Freedom Fighters, he created the team to help abolish the control Sinanity has over the citizens of Wasteland. He is also the main food supplier for the team along with Th3o, he has an infinite amount of poptarts to be eaten by the team. He also smells like berries, just thought you might want to know.