


6 years, 7 months ago







Necromorph, Pack variant (formerly human)


9 and a half (Dead Space 2), 12 and a half (Dead Space 3)




75 lbs.






Dead Space

Benjamin (former surname Wilbourne), or simply Benji, is a "Pack"-variant necromorph who lived on Titan space station, also known as "The Sprawl", prior to its destruction. Brought up by devout Unitologist parents, Benjamin was forced to become self-sufficient from an early age, as his mother and father were so heavily invested in their religion that they frequently wouldn't return home for days at a time, leaving their only son to largely fend for himself. Between making his own meals, keeping their apartment clean and facing bullying from his peers at the private Unitology academy he attended, he grew to become resentful of the religion for robbing him of chances to enjoy his childhood.

As the station plunged into chaos at the onset of the necromorph outbreak, a terrified Benjamin naturally scrambled for the protection of his parents, only to be betrayed when they, instead of bringing him to safety, stabbed him to death before taking their own lives in a ritualistic fervor meant to prove their dogmatic devotion to Unitology's teachings. Though all three of them would later reawaken as newly-mutated necromorphs, only Benjamin himself was blessed with the exceedingly rare difference in that his mind and personality remained intact, sans memories of his previous human identity. Frightened and confused by what had happened to him, he sought refuge in The Sprawl's public elementary school, where he chose to remain indefinitely, attempting to brighten the hellish atmosphere by painting murals on the walls and floors with his gnarled, clawlike fingers while anxiously waiting for help to arrive (either not fully understanding his current state of being as one of undeath and sadly irreversible, or perhaps just in denial of it). Help eventually did come, however, in the unlikely form of Isaac Clarke, whom Benjamin followed through the school from the shadows and ventilation ducts, assuming the engineer to be some badass hero it'd be in his best interest to befriend.

Despite his young age and shy demeanor, Benjamin is as exceptionally perceptive as he is mature, thanks to years spent learning to care for himself in the absence of his parents (one could describe him as a bit of an "old soul"). While typically quiet and without much to say, preferring to observe rather than engage, he bears a strong creative streak, enjoying crafty projects such as drawing and painting. His naturally discerning personality has proven its worth on more than one occasion, providing him with the means to effectively bail himself - and his friends - out of sticky situations.

Over time however it has begun to make itself evident that Benji's young, immature brain is far less equipped to stave off the constant malignant pressure of the Marker's influence than those of his sentient adult peers. He is prone to occasional hostile and animalistic behavior towards humans, as well as a compulsion to pack-hunt given the opportunity - all behaviors exacerbated by his proximity to a Marker's signal. It remains to be seen if he will continue to resist its siren's call, or ultimately succumb to his necromorph instincts…