Ezra Elkayim - single



6 years, 11 months ago


. Ezra Elkayim .
Sneaky . Obsessive . Naive
3269511_fbGFyHgXKHrkktK.png       Ezra was a well known necromancer of hell, working Directly under Dante. He was married to a woman he loved, though hid her secret for the sake of their dignity and their family name. The two were known to be a wicked, cruel duo who snatched souls from the innocent to make hellish hounds to work as soldiers for their kingdoms army. Ezra is easily smitten, and a man who obsesses over the apple of his eye. While it looked like Ezra was a strict husband who kept his wife on a short leash, it was actually his wife who controlled their relationship and treated Ezra like a gem, too precious to be shown to the world for two long. She wanted his daily attention and for him to constantly prove himself to her, and in his sick mind, Ezra happily obliged. The two reined as a powerful couple until one day that secret got let out, where Ezra more or less took the worst fall because of the contents of a video let out. As if overnight, he'd lost his status, his job, any respect from the kingdom he resided in-all because of his wife's carelessness.
       Once his life had snapped out of place and his name ruined, Ezra had no idea how to act. And while it was uncharacteristic of him, he snapped on his wife and killed her. Time had passed and he worked under Lane for a bit for odd jobs, mainly collecting souls and delivering them to the Lane himself, Lane situated Ezra in the above world in a little wooden house along the lining of a forest. Ezra lives there quietly on his own, secluding himself-but as more time passed and Ezras delusions got the better of him and his memories soon began to deteriorate. He forgot his wife, only certain things bringing the womans face to his mind, and his old life. He keeps his profession a secret, since the mortals don't take necromancy too..lightly. When meeting new people, Ezra tends to lie without meaning to half the time about things that don't matter, often to get the other person to like them. He doesn't know what it is, but he still yearns to belong to someone again, and while his words seem blunt when he's pursuing someone, he's still naive and doesn't know the right way to act around someone he likes.
    Ezra himself can come off as snappy around strangers, often letting his mouth go off as he doesn't give a shit how strangers perceive him. However when seeing someone that catches his eye, he acts much sweeter and calmer, though will have to hold his tongue from a snarky remark if they say something that he deems stupid.

「Name」Ezra Elkayim
「Age」uh probably old as fuck, looks early twenties
「Gender」Male「Sign」Gemini lmfao
「Race」Cat/wolf hybrid「Theme」The horror of our love by ludo 
「Likes」♥ Tea time with cake/crackers/cookies
♥ Being held/held down bye
♥ The idea of belonging to someone
♥ Affection
♥ When Cirice sings to him mm
♥ uh Cirice in general
♥ slurpin souls
♥ His hair being played with by someone he actually likes
「Hates」♠ Competition/Feeling jealous
♠ Being ignored
♠ Strangers touching him, especially his hair
♠ Being interrupted
♠ Overly shy people/cry babies
♠ His bruises/shoulder being touched
♠ Loud women/being told what to do by a women

「Height」6'2「Eye Color」Olive green
「Build」Lean/lanky「Hair Color」Two shades of green, half split black hair
「Skin Tone」gray/green? idk and white「Hair Style」Long, fringed bangs
「Features」He has a very dull stare when he's busy in his head, otherwise he's known for coming off as calm/elegant. When he's not..you know, being a creep. He has a bruise around his neck that was given to him when trying to take the soul from an angel (which he did get, but the bruise will never fade from his throat.) 
「Style」He dresses in coats and button up shirts mostly with slacks, usually dressing up for no occasion and he'll have his hair in a pony tail. He feels stuffy like this, but feels it's better to look your best rather than be comfortable. When he is dressing to be comfortable he'll throw a sweater on and some sweats with converse-comfy.
  • He's creepy gay for cirice
Core TraitsFavorites
「Disposition」Usually calm, but can give an eerie vibe. 「Color」Red and purples
「Behavior」Can be friendly but is actually obsessive and a bit neurotic. 「Flower」hemlock
「Integrity」Compulsive liar「Animal」fuck idk 
「Boldness」Rash, very bold at times「Season」Fall
「Flexibility」Easy going if he likes you, just wants to make you happy. Otherwise, it's his way or the high way. 「Food」The only human food he can stomach is tea with little cakes and cookies, sometimes dry no-salt crackers.
「Humor」A bit humorless, can't tell a joke to save his life but will fake laugh at others jokes even though he doesnt get them.「Drink」he likes seltzer
who tf likes seltzer
「Motivation」Probably cirice tbh
「Reputation」His old reputation is a faded memory to him now, he doesn't remember. But he was powerful and feared-now he's just seen as a quiet man who lives in a wooden house by himself by the woods. 
「Conversation」His go-to conversation is to talk about the other persons interests so he can learn more about them. Then he'll go off what they like and their interests-simply because he hardly knows himself anymore and would run dry on what to say. 
「Ejoyment」He likes to people watch, kill things, watch Cirice, go for long walks at night and fall asleep in the cemetery. 
「Quirks & Habits」His worst habit is his lying and his forgetfulness. He'll forget about a lie he told or cant remember the answer, so when he does meet people again they often find him sketchy and avoid him. Which-they should? But he's awfully lonely.
「Affection」★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 「Optimism」★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
「Patience」★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★「Generosity」★ 
「Temper」★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 「Empathy」
「Sensitivty」★ ★ ★ 「Logic」★ ★ 
「Creativity」★ ★ 「Insight」★ ★ ★ ★ ★
「Maturity」★ ★ ★ ★ ★「Focus」★ ★ ★ ★ 
「Intelligence」★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★★ ★ ★「Stamina」★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★
「Confidence」★ ★ ★ 「Work Ethic」★ ★
fuck i did it in his bio


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