


2 years, 6 months ago


NAMEMamoncillo Morthos
NICKNAME (S)Mamon, Mam, Cici, Cillo, Clown
HEIGHT6'1" [6'6" with horns]
GENDERMale [He/Him]

130302025clown-animation-3.gif Theme Song 707301_78178.gif
- Charismatic
- Friendly
- Capricious
- Flamboyant
- Abandonment issues / Clingy
- Gullible
- Adventurous
- Air-headed

Mamoncillo is a very boisterous and friendly individual. He loves making new friends and keeping them. Once he's attached to someone, he tries his best to keep them and unintentionally love-bombs them often.

- Making music/skits
- Juggling
- Learning new tricks
- Green & Gold
- Bringing in crowds (happy ones)
- Making people laugh
- Puns
- Poetry & Rhyming
- Charades
- All music
- Physical affection
- Fire

- His horns/tail grabbed
- Being alone
- Quiet places
- Scaring people
- "Big scary monsters"
- Mud
- High places

- Being a bard/entertainer/harlequin/jester wrapped into one beast
- Writing music
- Singing badly
- Travelling

Mamoncillo was birthed as the eldest child to High Magister of D'auntumne, Skamos Morthos. Being the original heir, Mamoncillo was put under a lot of pressure to learn magic and be a mature fit as ruler when Skamos would one day retire and/or pass. His role would be Head Chairman of their Tieffien Council when the time was right. However, Mamon lacked the proper discipline and focus. While he was allowed to play with his younger brother Astrebla at a young age, his passion for toys, games, and wordplay had never seemed to fade off when reaching teenhood. He begun to neglect his tasks or put them off to play outside or watch the bards and artists of their annual festivals that lived in their realm in the town below. Although Mamon hoped his father would also enjoy the same things and perhaps soften up enough to want to play with him and Astrebla too for once, Skamos grew very irritated with Mamon. Skamos would obtain advice from some of the servants that had helped raise the Tiefling, deciding to compromise with him. To keep him inside and focus on his studies, he allowed Mamon to have a single day he could have to enjoy the arts and relax so he would be better quipped the rest of the week. This would last a while and prove to work well until Mamon grew more passionate.

On Mamon's 18th birthday, a 5 day festival was held to celebrate. On request, many performers had lined up to impress the daedra. Enthralled, he loved every performance, trying to award them all for their performances. Against his father's wishes, he had also donned face paint to show his support for the entertainers. Despite this also being a celebration for his oncoming adulthood, it was also the coronation for his spot at Chairman. Reluctantly in front of thousands, he accepted his spot only to offer it to Astrebla. With a speech prepared, he confessed his love for music and having secretly been learning magician's tricks and other jester antics. He admitted Astrebla's nature being much more suited for the role and issued an apology of letting his people down. He asked his father if he could pursue his own interests while still offering to assist Astrebla when needed. Enraged, Skamos refused to allow a 'clown' to hold court and embarrass his family name. In front of all, he disowned Mamoncillo and ordered him out of his castle immediately. Guards would escort the tiefling away through the stunned crowd leaving Astrebla in worried silence beside their father.

With much dismay and his tail tucked between his legs, he would pack his things and begin living on the streets and in the forests. His people were supportive of his choices in secrecy as they weren't allowed to make contact with him or even help him. As such, Mamoncillo would continue to self-teach himself into a decent enough instrumentalist and acrobat though he lacked in the singing department. When he lived in the castle, he donned a much deeper gentle voice that would gradually get higher and more obnoxious as he took interest in jester-life and clowning. Everyone in the castle deemed it not the fondest times but dealt with it. Astrebla had enjoyed it but often fake-complained about it to others. But, with his new obnoxious voice he displayed, it did not assist in his terrible singing. Eventually, he would perform outside in the villages which proved torture to most other the other tieffolk as they were supposed to ignore him. It wasn't long before he was kicked from D'auntumne in general, forced out into the other daedric realms to annoy other daedra.

Travelling all over, he found himself often in Fargrave or Coldharbour to make money from his craft, cutting down on the singing occasionally from getting beat up over it. With new knowledge, he would use his 'street smarts' to annoy people into giving him their money to make him stop singing. Alongside, he would use his embedded 'tiefling charm' to woo people into giving him cash rarely. Even with those methods proving easier, Mamon continued to perform for taverns and festivals for money without using his voice. Within his travels, he had easily picked up on many different languages and would use them to piece other ones together.

Decades later, Mamoncillo would be making a huge discovery all on his own. Spotting an odd portal when wandering Coldharbour, he had the urge to suddenly pass through it to see where he would land. Tumbling on through, he would land in the front garden of Lovile's manor in the sky. Startled, he had no idea what 'realm' this was and immediately looked to seek help. After a bit of convincing, he would stay and befriend Lovile for roughly 3 weeks before Treads and little Mez would state their displeasure with Mamon's clownery. Thankfully, with the help of Ulvotis and Barsis, they would be able to send Mamoncillo back to his homeworld. Unfortunately, it would be D'auntumne. Mamon tried his best not to protest, knowing he wasn't supposed to be on Nirn.

More decades would pass before Mamon would return by the summoning of Ulvotis' dimensional hand. Ulvotis would request Mamon to let the other tieflings come to Nirn as he was afraid of Karthus and Beau destroying Tamriel with their war as human were beginning to wane in numbers to defend themselves. Mamon knew the tieflings wouldn't be kind to the humans either but he would try his best. Luckily, the Tieffolk paid blind eyes to the humans as they wanted to wipe clean of the war and have their own hands in Tamriel. As of now, Mamon remains on Nirn, travelling with Ulvotis and occasionally visiting Lovile and his family.

- Mamon can speak most Daedric languages and randomly, Goblin. He uses it as a party trick. Common is his most recent one, not catching on very well and speaking in 3rd person.
- Mamon's voice claim was Cicero but has since changed to our lovely lead singer of The Tigerlillies little lad voice since he had his race homebrewed by yours truly into the Communion AU.
- Mamon is infamous in many Daedric realms for his infuriatingly chipper and loud music and even worse singing in his whiny voice
- Mamon is good friends with Lovile!
- His first introduction to Tamriel is during the Chess Era and is tumbled out of one of Barsis' uncontrolled portals from ColdHarbour into Lovile's yard.
- Later on, Mamoncillo travels alongside Ulvotis as his companion.
- Mamon has 6 fingers on each hand and cloven hooves for feet!