Handa Lowell



2 years, 6 months ago


Name Handa Lowell

Age 22-29

D.o.B. April 6th

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Height 5'9.5"

Demeanor Pensive and Friendly

Species Devilspawn

Alignment Lawful Good

Occupation Devil Hunter

Contracts Hunt Devil (briefly)

Sexuality Bisexual

Weapon Machetes



Handa’s early life was a lonely one, only living with her single aunt in Japan after her father was unable to raise her. She grew up a quiet, reserved child, mostly keeping to herself save for a couple friends who came and went. However, she became a very organized and focused person, almost a perfectionist, and kept herself happy by sticking to a routine every day.

Looking at her for the first time, she doesn’t seem to be the Devil Hunter type. She is a very ambivalent, quiet person, who strives for perfection in her life, and lets her failures weigh down on her. She often fears death, but feels trapped in her life and her job. She did not perform well under extreme pressure, but she is working on becoming a more confident and dependable Devil Hunter.

She later learns that her father attempted to kill her shortly after he discovered that she was a Devil. This fact will haunt her forever, but Handa does her best to move past it and make the most of the life she has now.

Physical Strength



Devil Power



Battle Prowess

Physical Abilities

As a devil, Handa is more physically hardy than a regular human. She is also able to regenerate by consuming blood, although she avoids this entirely and prefers to have it transfused. However, Handa is still more physically weak than most humans in her base state, and is clumsy on top of that. However, when transformed, she makes up for this shortcoming with speed and faster reflexes. She is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and uses a machete proficently in close combat.


Handa is the offspring of a Devil and a human. In a process similar to the creation of a Fiend, her mother, the Moth Devil, transferred herself into Handa shortly before she was born. The Moth Devil had been doing this for several generations, losing its memory each time it was "reborn." Each Moth Devil offspring was essentially a clone of the original, taking no genetic material from their human mates. Unsure of what this entails, the Higher Ups watch Handa closely and typically treat her as a Devil. Handa has an outwardly human appearance, other than her strangely colored eyes, but can transform into her full Devil form for short periods of time.

Summoned Moths:Handa can release a swarm of small moths from her head, which glow and can be used to distract enemies. They can also remove poisons and other similar maladies, and store a certain amount of it inside Handa before she starts to feel those effects as well.

10% form:Handa can grow two long, whip like limbs similar to the proboscis of a moth. These are prehensile and can grab, tie, and capture things, as well as suck away the life force of an enemy.

20% form:In addition to the proboscis, Handa can amplify her power by letting her moth-like antenna out, which allows her to sense attacks and react more quickly.

100% form:Handa can take her original devil's form for up to 2 minutes. This allows her to become a formidible opponent for a short time, but she will be unable to take this form if she loses too much blood.

  • Handa's official "position" at the Bureau is "Head of Devil Integration." When a new devil is "hired," she is the one who meets with them and helps them transition to a life helping humans. As a Devil herself, she is well suited to the role and is passionate about helping (and protecting) these new Devil hires.
  • Handa's favorite food is Curry Chicken Katsu
  • Handa's father raised her for 5 years in America, but was ultimately taken away from him when he tried to kill her. Handa was sent away to live with her only living family, her father's sister-in-law Shion. Her father now only calls on her birthday, and Handa has become accustomed to life in Japan.
  • Handa's mother "died" giving birth to her. Handa originally had a twin who also did not survive.
  • Handa's hair will sometimes move on it's own, especially when she is feeling strong emotions.
  • Handa is not allowed to be unsupervised, and is always accompanied by her buddy Yuuki or another Devil Hunter when outside her apartment. After the deaths of Yuuki and Miyata, her rights were severely restricted, and she remains under strict supervision to this day due to her status as devilspawn.
  • Handa does not hold her liqueor very well.
  • Handa and Kishibe are married in every way except legally, as relationships between humans and devils cannot be recognized by the government.

Handa and Kishibe meet when she is promoted to Division 1, two years after joining the Devil Hunters. They are tasked with tracking down the powerful Quake Devil. Despite having less-than-perfect first impressions of each other, they both come to share respect and admiration. After losing the rest of their squad, the two admit their feelings for each other. The two become engaged in 1982 and got married only a week later.


Yuuki TakedaFriend/Comrade
Yuuki was assigned to look after Handa when she was first taken into the Devil Hunters against her will. Despite being two very different people, they managed to get along and form a strong, friendly relationship while also producing results as Devil Hunting Partners. Handa loves Yuuki but sometimes feels like their skills overshadow her own. However, this is often a blessing in disguise, as Handa prefers to stay out of the center of attention. The two have vowed to always protect each other.


Michi MiyataComrade
Miyata is promoted to Division 1 along with Yuuki and Handa, and made Kishibe's partner around the same time. Together, they are tasked with taking down the Quake Devil. Handa wasn't sure what to think of the somewhat-cowardly man at first, but over time grew to like him. She finds him very funny and feels comfortable talking to him. He has asked her out but she refused, he's just not her type.


Makima oversaw Handa's promotion to Divison 1. Makima was very interested in Handa's situation, not quite fitting into the category of fiend or human. Makima was quick to put Handa under her control, and Handa has unknowingly been doing her bidding. Makima finds Handa useful, and sees her as a pet worth keeping around. Moths need not be erased from this world, after all. Handa finds Makima unnerving and tries to avoid her when she can.