Captain (Octo-Flare Captain)



1 year, 10 months ago


Basic Info:

Real Name: (Unknown)

Nickname: Octo-Flare Captain

Alt Nicknames: Captain, Cap (Abbreviation)

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Human(?)

Power Type: Blue Ultima-Flare

Main Bio:

Octo-Flare Captain (or just known as Captain, the Octo-Flare part is a title kinda), is an AU version of Captain that appears in Shade's universe. Though she bares some resemblance to her octo counterpart in appearance and personality, the two are fairly distinct, and one is not directly impacted by the other. 

Octo-Flare Captain is a fairly high ranking member of the Lumina City Defence Team (the city where Shade resides). Considering Shade is also a member, the two have a somewhat close bond, and have worked together a fair few times. The cap herself isn’t so bad at motivation, and always keeps smiles on her allies faces whenever she can. Well disciplined and skilled, it's no wonder she's so high up already despite her age!

OF Captain is pretty similar in a number of her traits. She's ambidextrous, a fairly strategic mind, agile, somewhat short and very energetic, especially for her age of 20 (quite young for a leader). The differences start to come when you look at her skillset further. She has the power of fire, more specifically blue flames, and though she can unleash this through her hands (and also mouth if she concentrates enough), she generally uses her custom made dualies, known as the Kelvin Flares. Resting in holsters around her waist, they run on fire element energy, from herself as well as the reserve within each gun, each powered by a removable high purity blue flame crystal (which have quite a lifespan before needing replacement!). As the name suggests, they fire high powered and big blasts of fire, though at a somewhat slow rate of fire. Additionally, they have 2 firing modes, standard fire, and a twin blast charging using both guns at the same time!

When she goes out on adventures outside of Lumina, she dons a cape-like scarf, with a very heavy flame motif across it. It's very comfy, and surprisingly non-flammable, perfect for the pyrokinetic lady herself! And naturally, when she joins up with Shade and the team, she's rolling with this, fitting right into their scarf wearing crew!