


2 years, 5 months ago


Sev (sev)

Pronouns: They/He/She
Age: 27
Element: Fire
Animal Traits: Maned Wolf
Height: 6’2”
Physical Description: Sev has dark crimson hair with red eyes and two large fluffy wolf ears. They’re very tall and lanky, but not without muscle. They have an eyepatch over their left eye, and they also have the tail of a maned wolf, as well as longer fangs like a canine.
Personality: Headstrong, brash, confident, flirtatious, vain, self-centered, clever {Chaotic Neutral}
Family: TBD
Backstory: Seve grew up with a rag-tag band of pirates. She was abandoned at a young age by her parents and was found by this group, who took her in and raised her as one of them. Gradually, she worked her way up in the group until she became the leader. She’s very well-respected within the group, and [almost] everyone admires her. 

[More to come...!]


  • Although Sev is seldom seen without their eyepatch, if you happen to remove the patch, you will find that both of their eyes are actually intact. Sev has the eyepatch purely for physical appearances, and they claim that their vision is just fine with it on.