Lana “loba”



2 years, 6 months ago


:P Until the age of 4 her other parent was involved in her life, often finding scattered photos of them together once she was older. From birth she exhibited no symptoms that typical shapeshifting children contain. Cries close to their counter parts, early changes in the body such as canine growth or claws, and the ability to crave and digest foods like thei counterparts.

Only until her late teens was she a victim to her sudden shifitng. She is a half-werewolf just like her brother yet the lack of early development that she didn't experience from a small age while her body was still fresh would result in her body now becoming severly ill if she isn't given proper care or instruction to control.

Lana Name

adjective • adjective • adjective

Name Lana
Age 19
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Race Werewolf/Human mix
Birthday xx/xx/xxxx
star Sign info
Occupation Student/Collector part-time
Status alive? | alive!
Voiceclaim info
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  • She was made through ivf in her other parents lab.Her parents agreed to try to develop her with the least of werewolf genes, this didn't work. SHe does not know about this.
  • Wolfsbane is less effective on her body compared to the others in her family.
  • She is often doted on by folk in their town and treated special since they believe she's nothing like her family.
  • She hates shifting because she will become physically ill. The symptoms will vary but tyically it will follow depending on whatever she did when she was shifting. If she ate something she'd have stomach pain etc.
  • SHe is capable of training her body to adapt to her shifting, with time. She doesn't like this fact. Some days her pains are so horrible all she can do is cry and wait it out the best she can.
  • Sometimes she straightens her hair, very rare though! WHen her hair isnt straight it's out naturally or in braids.
  • In a Bipedal or Feral wolf shift her eyes are yellow. Her other arent's eyes are biologically yellow. Her eyes appear purple in her human form but they aren't her actual eye color. This is a result of lab alteratio
  • SHe enjoys flowy clothings that don't restrict any of her movements.

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